controller + prefetch + iq

Co-authored-by: Hooo1941 <>
Co-authored-by: cxy004 <>
This commit is contained in:
Paul Pan 2021-07-26 22:29:59 +08:00
parent b133bcf138
commit d2b4570c9e
9 changed files with 483 additions and 125 deletions

View File

@ -1,25 +1,59 @@
`include "defines.svh"
module controller(
input word_t instr,
// fetch
output logic [1:0] pcsrc,
// decode
output logic [4:0] rs, rt, rd,
module Controller (
input word_t inst,
output Ctrl_t ctrl,
output word_t imm,
// execute
output logic [1:0] alusrca, alusrcb,
output aluctrl_t aluctrl,
// memory
output logic [1:0] size,
output logic lunsigned, memwrite,
// write-back
output logic memtorf, rfwrite, cp0write);
output logic [4:0] sa
mux3 #(5) RD_mux (
{inst[31] | inst[29], inst[26]},
mux3 #(32) imm_mux (
{{16{inst[15]}}, inst[15:0]},
{16'b0, inst[15:0]},
{inst[15:0], 16'b0},
{inst[28] & inst[27] & inst[26], inst[31] | ~inst[28]},
assign sa = inst[10:6];
assign ctrl.SYSCALL = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[2] & inst[3] & ~inst[0];
assign ctrl.BREAK = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[2] & inst[3] & inst[0];
assign ctrl.ERET = inst[30] & inst[25];
assign ctrl.OFA = ~inst[26] & (~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[5] & ~inst[0] & ~inst[2] & ~inst[3] | inst[29] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27]);
assign ctrl.RS = inst[25:21];
assign ctrl.RT = inst[20:16];
assign ctrl.PFCtrl.BJJR = ~inst[26] & (~inst[27] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[29] & inst[3] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[2] | inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[29]) | inst[27] & ~inst[29]) | inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31];
assign ctrl.PFCtrl.BJR = ~inst[26] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[3] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[2] | inst[28] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31]) | inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & (~inst[27] | inst[27] & inst[28]);
assign ctrl.PFCtrl.BE = inst[28] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.DP0 = ~inst[31];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.DP1 = ~inst[30] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[28] & (~inst[31] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[4] | inst[27]) | inst[31]) | inst[28]) | inst[29]) | inst[26]) | inst[30] & inst[25];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.UI = inst[28] & inst[27] & inst[26];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.IX = ~inst[28] | inst[28] & inst[31];
assign ctrl.ECtrl.OP.alt = ~inst[31] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[29] & inst[1] & (~inst[5] & inst[0] | inst[5]) | inst[27]) | inst[26] & inst[27] & inst[29] & ~inst[28]);
assign ctrl.MCtrl0.HW = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & inst[4] & (~inst[3] & ~inst[1] & inst[0] | inst[3]);
assign ctrl.MCtrl0.LW = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & inst[4] & (~inst[3] & inst[1] & inst[0] | inst[3]);
assign ctrl.MCtrl0.C0D = inst[15:11];
assign ctrl.MCtrl0.C0W = inst[30] & inst[23];
assign ctrl.MCtrl1.MR = inst[31];
assign ctrl.MCtrl1.MWR = inst[29];
assign ctrl.MCtrl1.MX = ~inst[28];
assign ctrl.MCtrl1.SZ = inst[27:26];
assign ctrl.WCtrl.RW = ~inst[30] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[31] & ~inst[28] & (~inst[27] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[3] & (~inst[4] | inst[4] & ~inst[0]) | inst[3] & (~inst[5] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[2] & inst[0] | inst[5])) | inst[26] & inst[20]) | inst[27] & inst[26]) | inst[31]) | inst[29] & ~inst[31]) | inst[30] & ~inst[25] & ~inst[23];
assign rs = instr[25:21];
assign rt = instr[20:16];
mux3#(5) rd_mux(5'b11111, instr[15:11], rt, {instr[31] | instr[29], instr[26]}, rd);
mux3#(32) imm_mux({{16{instr[15]}}, instr[15:0]}, {16'b0, instr[15:0]}, {instr[15:0], 16'b0},
{instr[28] & instr[27] & instr[26], instr[31] | ~instr[28]}, imm);

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ module Datapath (
input clk,
input rst,
// MMU
sramro_i.master fetch_i,
sram_i.master mem_i,
// CP0
@ -14,13 +15,48 @@ module Datapath (
output logic C0_we,
output word_t C0_wdata,
output EXCEPTION_t C0_exception,
input word_t C0_EPC
input word_t C0_EPC,
// test RF
input logic [4:0] test_addr,
output word_t test_data
PF_t PF;
F_t F;
D_t D;
E_t E;
M_t M;
W_t W;
// Pre Fetch
word_t PF_pcp8;
word_t PF_pcb;
word_t PF_pcj;
word_t PF_pcjr;
word_t PF_pc0;
// Instr Queue
logic IQ_IA_valid;
word_t IQ_IA_inst;
word_t IQ_IA_pc;
logic IQ_IB_valid;
word_t IQ_IB_inst;
word_t IQ_IB_pc;
// Decode
word_t D_IA_ForwardS;
logic D_IA_valid;
logic D_IB_valid;
logic D_IA_iv;
logic D_IB_iv;
// Execute
logic E_go;
logic E_I0_go;
@ -95,38 +131,172 @@ module Datapath (
word_t HI;
word_t LO;
// Write Back
logic R_we1;
logic R_we2;
logic [4:0] R_waddr1;
logic [4:0] R_waddr2;
word_t R_wdata1;
word_t R_wdata2;
// Pre Fetch //
assign PF_pcp8 = {F.pc[31:3] + 1'b1, 3'b0};
assign PF_pcb = {D.IB_pc[31:2] + {{14{D.IA_inst[15]}}, D.IA_inst[15:0]}, 2'b0};
assign PF_pcj = {D.IB_pc[31:28], D.IA_inst[25:0], 2'b0};
assign PF_pcjr = D_IA_ForwardS;
mux4 #(32) PF_pc0_mux (
prio_mux4 #(32) PF_pc_mux (
{rst, C0_exception.ExcValid, C0_exception.ERET},
// assign excPF = PF.pc[1:0] != 2'b00;
// assign fetch_i.req = F.en & ~excPF;
assign fetch_i.addr = PF.pc;
// Fetch Stage //
// F.FF
ffenr #(32) F_pc_ff (
// assign F.en = fetch_i.data_ok;
// Instr Queue //
InstrQueue InstrQueue (
.inA (F.pc[2] ? fetch_i.rdata1 : fetch_i.rdata0),
.vinB(fetch_i.data_ok & ~F.pc[2]),
.inB (fetch_i.rdata1),
.pinB({F.pc[31:3], 1'b1, F.pc[1:0]}),
.enA (D.en0),
.outA (IQ_IA_inst),
.enB (D.en1),
.outB (IQ_IB_inst),
.clear (IQ_clear)
// Decode Stage //
// D.FF
// IQ_IA -> D_IA IQ_IB -> D_IB en0 = 1 en1 = 1
// D_IB -> D_IA IQ_IA -> D_IB en0 = 1 en1 = 0
ffenr #(1 + 32 + 32) D_IA_ff (
D.en1 ? {IQ_IA_valid, IQ_IA_pc, IQ_IA_inst} : {D_IB_valid, D.IB_pc, D.IB_inst},
{D_IA_valid, D.IA_pc, D.IA_instr}
ffenr #(1 + 32 + 32) D_IB_ff (
D.en1 ? {IQ_IB_valid, IQ_IB_pc, IQ_IB_inst} : {IQ_IA_valid, IQ_IA_pc, IQ_IA_inst},
{D_IB_valid, D.IB_pc, D.IB_inst}
// Register File
RF RegisterFile (
// D.Decode
Controller D_IA_ctrl (
Controller D_IB_ctrl (
// D.Exc
instr_valid D_IA_instr_valid (
instr_valid D_IB_instr_valid (
assign D.IA_ExcValid = D_IA_valid & (ERET | SYSCALL | BREAK | D.IA_pc[1:0] != 2'b00 | ~D_IA_iv);
assign D.IA_ExcCode = D.IA_pc[1:0] != 2'b00 ? `EXCCODE_ADDRR : `EXCCODE_RI;
assign D.IA_Delay = 1'b0;
assign D.IB_ExcValid = D_IB_valid & (ERET | SYSCALL | BREAK | D.IB_pc[1:0] != 2'b00 | ~D_IB_iv);
assign D.IB_ExcCode = D.IB_pc[1:0] != 2'b00 ? `EXCCODE_ADDRR : `EXCCODE_RI;
assign D.IB_Delay = (D_IB_DELAY);
// D.Dispatch
// Execute Stage //
@ -486,7 +656,8 @@ module Datapath (
(~M_I0_FS_W_I0 | M_I0_FS_W_I1 & W.A) ? W.I1.RDataW : W.I0.RDataW,
{M_I0_FS_M_I1, M_I0_FS_W_I0 | M_I0_FS_W_I1},
assign M_I0_FT_M_I1 = M.A & M.I1.WCtrl.RW & M.I0.RT == M.I1.RD & ~M.I1.MCtrl.MR;
assign M_I0_FT_W_I0 = W.I0.WCtrl.RW & M.I0.RT == W.I0.RD;
@ -496,7 +667,8 @@ module Datapath (
(~M_I0_FT_W_I0 | M_I0_FT_W_I1 & W.A) ? W.I1.RDataW : W.I0.RDataW,
{M_I0_FT_M_I1, M_I0_FT_W_I0 | M_I0_FT_W_I1},
assign M_I1_FT_M_I0 = ~M.A & M.I0.WCtrl.RW & M.I1.RT == M.I0.RD;
assign M_I1_FT_W_I0 = W.I0.WCtrl.RW & M.I1.RT == W.I0.RD;
@ -506,7 +678,8 @@ module Datapath (
(~M_I1_FT_W_I0 | M_I1_FT_W_I1 & W.A) ? W.I1.RDataW : W.I0.RDataW,
{M_I1_FT_M_I0, M_I1_FT_W_I0 | M_I1_FT_W_I1},
// Write-Back Stage //
@ -550,11 +723,4 @@ module Datapath (
assign W.en = 1'b1;
assign R_we1 = W.I0.WCtrl.RW;
assign R_we2 = W.I1.WCtrl.RW;
assign R_waddr1 = W.I0.RD;
assign R_waddr2 = W.I1.RD;
assign R_wdata1 = W.I0.RDataW;
assign R_wdata2 = W.I1.RDataW;

View File

@ -2,21 +2,26 @@
module InstrQueue (
input logic clk,
input logic rst,
// HandShake.prev HandShake_in1,
input logic vin1,
input logic vin2,
input logic vinA,
input word_t inA,
input word_t pinA,
input logic vinB,
input word_t inB,
input word_t pinB,
input logic enA,
output logic voutA,
output word_t outA,
output word_t poutA,
input logic enB,
output logic voutB,
output word_t outB,
output word_t poutB,
output logic [3:0] valids,
input word_t in1,
input word_t pin1,
// HandShake.prev HandShake_in2,
input word_t in2,
input word_t pin2, HandShake_out1,
output word_t out1,
output word_t pout1, HandShake_out2,
output word_t out2,
output word_t pout2,
input logic clear
@ -25,46 +30,46 @@ instr: ffen
valid: ffenr
readygo to valid
0out: instr1<-in1, instr2<-in2
1out: out1<-in1, instr1<-in2
2out: out1<-in1, out2<-in2
0out: instr1<-inA, instr2<-inB
1out: outA<-inA, instr1<-inB
2out: outA<-inA, outB<-inB
0out: instr2<-in1, instr3<-in2
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-in1 instr2<-in2
2out: out1<-instr1 out2<-in1 instr1<-in2
0out: instr2<-inA, instr3<-inB
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-inA instr2<-inB
2out: outA<-instr1 outB<-inA instr1<-inB
0out: instr4<-in1
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-in1 instr3<-in2
2out: out1<-instr1 out2<-instr2 instr1<-in1 instr2<-in2
0out: instr4<-inA
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-inA instr3<-inB
2out: outA<-instr1 outB<-instr2 instr1<-inA instr2<-inB
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-in1 instr3<-in2
2out: out1<-instr1 out2<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr2<-in1 instr3<-in2
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-inA instr3<-inB
2out: outA<-instr1 outB<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr2<-inA instr3<-inB
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-instr3 instr3<-in1
2out: out1<-instr1 out2<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr3<-instr4 instr4<-in1
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-instr3 instr3<-inA
2out: outA<-instr1 outB<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr3<-instr4 instr4<-inA
0out: instr1<-in1, instr2<-in2
1out: instr1<-in1, instr2<-in2
2out: instr1<-in1, instr2<-in2
0out: instr1<-inA, instr2<-inB
1out: instr1<-inA, instr2<-inB
2out: instr1<-inA, instr2<-inB
0out: instr2<-in1, instr3<-in2
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-in1 instr2<-in2
2out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-in1 instr2<-in2
0out: instr2<-inA, instr3<-inB
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-inA instr2<-inB
2out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-inA instr2<-inB
0out: instr3<-in1 instr4<-in2
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-in1 instr3<-in2
2out: out1<-instr1 out2<-instr2 instr1<-in1 instr2<-in2
0out: instr3<-inA instr4<-inB
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-inA instr3<-inB
2out: outA<-instr1 outB<-instr2 instr1<-inA instr2<-inB
0out: instr4<-in1
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-instr3 instr3<-in1 instr4<-in2
2out: out1<-instr1 out2<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr2<-in1 instr3<-in2
0out: instr4<-inA
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-instr3 instr3<-inA instr4<-inB
2out: outA<-instr1 outB<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr2<-inA instr3<-inB
0out: nop
1out: out1<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-instr3 instr3<-instr4 instr4<-in1
2out: out1<-instr1 out2<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr2<-instr4 instr3<-in1 instr4<-in2
1out: outA<-instr1 instr1<-instr2 instr2<-instr3 instr3<-instr4 instr4<-inA
2out: outA<-instr1 outB<-instr2 instr1<-instr3 instr2<-instr4 instr3<-inA instr4<-inB
word_t di1, di2, di3, di4, qi1, qi2, qi3, qi4;
@ -72,7 +77,7 @@ readygo to valid
logic en1, en2, en3, en4;
word_t dp1, dp2, dp3, dp4, qp1, qp2, qp3, qp4;
logic [5:0] judge;
assign judge = {qv4, qv3, qv2, qv1, HandShake_out1.allowin, HandShake_out2.allowin};
assign judge = {qv4, qv3, qv2, qv1, enA, enB};
assign valids = {qv4, qv3, qv2, qv1};
assign en1 = ~judge[2] | judge[1];
assign en2 = ~judge[3] | judge[1];
@ -82,35 +87,35 @@ readygo to valid
// 11 >= 4
// 10 == 3
// others:00
// {HandShake_in1, HandShake_in2}
// assign HandShake_in1.allowin = (~judge[4] & (~judge[3] | judge[1]) | judge[4] & judge[0] & ~judge[5]);
// assign HandShake_in2.allowin = (~judge[3] & (~judge[2] | judge[1]) | judge[3] & ~judge[4] & judge[0]);
// assign HandShake_in1.allowin = ~judge[5] | judge[1];
// assign HandShake_in2.allowin = (~judge[4] | judge[1] & (~judge[5] | judge[0]));
// {HandShake_inA, HandShake_inB}
// assign HandShake_inA.allowin = (~judge[4] & (~judge[3] | judge[1]) | judge[4] & judge[0] & ~judge[5]);
// assign HandShake_inB.allowin = (~judge[3] & (~judge[2] | judge[1]) | judge[3] & ~judge[4] & judge[0]);
// assign HandShake_inA.allowin = ~judge[5] | judge[1];
// assign HandShake_inB.allowin = (~judge[4] | judge[1] & (~judge[5] | judge[0]));
assign {out1, out2, pout1, pout2} = {qi1, qi2, qp1, qp2};
assign HandShake_out1.readygo = judge[2];
assign HandShake_out2.readygo = judge[3];
assign {outA, outB, poutA, poutB} = {qi1, qi2, qp1, qp2};
assign voutA = judge[2];
assign voutB = judge[3];
always_comb begin
if (judge[3] & ~judge[0]) {di1, dv1, dp1} = {qi2, qv2, qp2};
else if (judge[3] & judge[0] & judge[4]) {di1, dv1, dp1} = {qi3, qv3, qp3};
else {di1, dv1, dp1} = {in1, vin1, pin1};
else {di1, dv1, dp1} = {inA, vinA, pinA};
if (judge[4] & ~judge[0]) {di2, dv2, dp2} = {qi3, qv3, qp3};
else if (judge[4] & judge[0] & judge[5]) {di2, dv2, dp2} = {qi4, qv4, qp4};
else if (~judge[4] & (~judge[2] | (~judge[3] & judge[1] | judge[0])))
{di2, dv2, dp2} = {in2, vin2, pin2};
else {di2, dv2, dp2} = {in1, vin1, pin1};
{di2, dv2, dp2} = {inB, vinB, pinB};
else {di2, dv2, dp2} = {inA, vinA, pinA};
if (judge[5] & ~judge[0]) {di3, dv3, dp3} = {qi4, qv4, qp4};
else if ((~judge[5] & judge[3] & ~judge[0] & (~judge[4] & ~judge[1] | judge[4]) | judge[5] & judge[0]))
{di3, dv3, dp3} = {in1, vin1, pin1};
else {di3, dv3, dp3} = {in2, vin1, pin2};
{di3, dv3, dp3} = {inA, vinA, pinA};
else {di3, dv3, dp3} = {inB, vinA, pinB};
di4 = (judge[4] & ~judge[0] & (~judge[1] | judge[5])) ? in1 : in2;
dv4 = ((judge[4] & ~judge[0] & (~judge[1] | judge[5])) ? vin1 : vin2);
dp4 = (judge[4] & ~judge[0] & (~judge[1] | judge[5])) ? pin1 : pin2;
di4 = (judge[4] & ~judge[0] & (~judge[1] | judge[5])) ? inA : inB;
dv4 = ((judge[4] & ~judge[0] & (~judge[1] | judge[5])) ? vinA : vinB);
dp4 = (judge[4] & ~judge[0] & (~judge[1] | judge[5])) ? pinA : pinB;
ffen #(32) pc1 (

View File

@ -129,16 +129,13 @@ typedef struct packed {
typedef struct packed {logic RW;} WCtrl_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic ExcValid;
logic SYSCALL;
logic BREAK;
logic ERET;
logic [4:0] ExcCode;
logic Delay;
logic OFA;
logic [4:0] RS;
logic [4:0] RT;
word_t S;
word_t T;
PFCtrl_t PFCtrl;
@ -153,6 +150,40 @@ typedef struct packed {
WCtrl_t WCtrl;
} Ctrl_t;
typedef struct packed {word_t pc;} PF_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic en;
word_t pc;
} F_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic en0, en1;
Ctrl_t IA, IB;
word_t IA_pc;
word_t IA_inst;
logic IA_ExcValid;
logic IA_ERET;
logic [4:0] IA_ExcCode;
logic IA_Delay;
word_t IA_S;
word_t IA_T;
word_t IA_imm;
logic [4:0] IA_sa;
word_t IB_pc;
word_t IB_inst;
logic IB_ExcValid;
logic IB_ERET;
logic [4:0] IB_ExcCode;
logic IB_Delay;
word_t IB_S;
word_t IB_T;
word_t IB_imm;
logic [4:0] IB_sa;
} D_t;
typedef struct packed {
logic en;
logic A;

View File

@ -192,6 +192,9 @@ module happy ();
Datapath dp (.mem_i(data.master));
Datapath dp (
.mem_i (data.master)

tools/ctrl.out.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
ctrl.ERET = inst[30] & inst[25]
ctrl.SYSCALL = ~inst[31] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[26] & inst[3] & inst[2] & ~inst[0]
ctrl.BREAK = ~inst[31] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[26] & inst[3] & inst[2] & inst[0]
ctrl.PFCtrl.BJJR = ~inst[26] & (~inst[27] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[29] & inst[3] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[2] | inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[29]) | inst[27] & ~inst[29]) | inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31]
ctrl.PFCtrl.BJR = (~inst[26] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[3] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[2] | inst[28] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31]) | inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & (~inst[27] | inst[28]))
ctrl.PFCtrl.BE = ~inst[31] & ~inst[29] & inst[28] & ~inst[27]
ctrl.DCtrl.DP0 = ~inst[31]
ctrl.DCtrl.DP1 = ~inst[30] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[28] & (~inst[31] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[4] | inst[27]) | inst[31]) | inst[28]) | inst[29]) | inst[26]) | inst[30] & inst[25]
ctrl.DCtrl.UI = inst[28] & inst[29] & inst[27] & inst[26]
ctrl.DCtrl.IX = ~inst[28]
{'SA': '~inst[31] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[26] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[3] & ~inst[2]', 'RS': '(~inst[31] & (~inst[29] & ~inst[26] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & (~inst[5] & (~inst[4] & ~inst[3] & inst[2] | inst[4] & inst[3]) | inst[5]) | inst[29] & (~inst[28] | inst[28] & (~inst[27] | inst[27] & ~inst[26]))) | inst[31])'
{'RT': '~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[26] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & (~inst[5] & (~inst[1] & (~inst[0] & (~inst[3] & ~inst[4] | inst[3] & inst[4]) | inst[0] & inst[4] & inst[3]) | inst[1] & (~inst[4] | inst[4] & inst[3])) | inst[5])', '8': '~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[30] & (~inst[28] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[5] & (~inst[1] & (~inst[0] & (~inst[3] & inst[4] | inst[3] & ~inst[4]) | inst[0] & (~inst[4] | inst[4] & ~inst[3])) | inst[1] & inst[4] & ~inst[3]) | inst[27]) | inst[28]) | inst[30]) | inst[26])', 'IMM': '(~inst[29] & inst[31] | inst[29])'}
{'SR': '~inst[31] & ~inst[26] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[3] & (~inst[1] & ~inst[2] | inst[1])', 'SL': '~inst[31] & ~inst[26] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[3] & ~inst[1] & inst[2]', 'ADD': '(~inst[31] & (~inst[26] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & (~inst[30] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[5] & inst[3] | inst[5] & ~inst[2] & ~inst[3]) | inst[29]) | inst[30]) | inst[26] & (~inst[29] | inst[29] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[27] | inst[28] & inst[27]))) | inst[31])', 'SLT': '~inst[31] & ~inst[26] & ~inst[28] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & inst[5] & ~inst[2] & inst[3] & ~inst[0] | inst[27])', 'SLTU': '~inst[31] & (~inst[26] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & inst[5] & ~inst[2] & inst[3] & inst[0] | inst[26] & inst[29] & ~inst[28] & inst[27])', 'AND': '~inst[31] & ~inst[26] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & inst[5] & inst[2] & ~inst[0] & ~inst[1] | inst[28] & ~inst[27])', 'XOR': '~inst[31] & ~inst[26] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & inst[5] & inst[2] & ~inst[0] & inst[1] | inst[28] & inst[27])', 'OR': '~inst[31] & (~inst[26] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & inst[5] & inst[2] & inst[0] | inst[26] & inst[29] & inst[28] & ~inst[27])'}
ctrl.ECtrl.OP[0] = ~inst[31] & (~inst[26] & ~inst[30] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[29] & inst[1] & (~inst[5] & inst[0] | inst[5]) | inst[27]) | inst[26] & inst[27] & inst[29] & ~inst[28])'
ctrl.OFA = ~inst[26] & (~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[5] & ~inst[0] & ~inst[2] & ~inst[3] | inst[29] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27])'
ctrl.MCtrl1.MR = inst[31]
ctrl.MCtrl1.MWR = inst[29]
ctrl.MCtrl1.MX = ~inst[28]
{'RD': '~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[26]', '31': '~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & inst[26]', 'RT': '(~inst[29] & inst[31] | inst[29])'}
ctrl.WCtrl.RW = (~inst[30] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[31] & ~inst[28] & (~inst[27] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[3] & (~inst[4] | inst[4] & ~inst[0]) | inst[3] & (~inst[5] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[2] & inst[0] | inst[5])) | inst[26] & inst[20]) | inst[27] & inst[26]) | inst[31]) | inst[29] & ~inst[31]) | inst[30] & ~inst[25] & ~inst[23])
{'ALUOut': '~inst[30] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[26] & ~inst[4] | inst[26]) | inst[29])', 'HI': '~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[26] & inst[4] & ~inst[1]', 'LO': '~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[26] & inst[4] & inst[1]', 'C0': 'inst[30]'}
ctrl.MCtrl0.HW = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & inst[4] & (~inst[3] & ~inst[1] & inst[0] | inst[3])
ctrl.MCtrl0.LW = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & inst[4] & (~inst[3] & inst[1] & inst[0] | inst[3])'
ctrl.MCtrl0.C0W = inst[30] & inst[23]
{'RS': '~inst[3]', 'MULT': 'inst[3] & ~inst[1] & ~inst[0]', 'MULTU': 'inst[3] & ~inst[1] & inst[0]', 'DIV': 'inst[3] & inst[1] & ~inst[0]', 'DIVU': 'inst[3] & inst[1] & inst[0]'}

tools/ctrl.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
32'b00000000000???????????????000000 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? SA RT SR 0 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b00000000000???????????????000010 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? SA RT SR 0 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b00000000000???????????????000011 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? SA RT SR 1 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000000100 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT SL ? 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000000110 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT SR 0 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000000111 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT SR 1 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000?????000000000000000001000 0 0 0 JR 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000?????00000?????00000001001 0 0 0 JR 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ADD 0 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000????????????????????001100 0 1 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000????????????????????001101 0 0 1 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b0000000000000000?????00000010000 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 ? ? ? RD 1 HI 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000?????000000000000000010001 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? 1 0 0 RS
32'b0000000000000000?????00000010010 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 ? ? ? RD 1 LO 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000?????000000000000000010011 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? 0 1 0 RS
32'b000000??????????0000000000011000 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? RS RT ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 MULT
32'b000000??????????0000000000011001 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? RS RT ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 MULTU
32'b000000??????????0000000000011010 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? RS RT ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 DIV
32'b000000??????????0000000000011011 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? RS RT ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? 1 1 0 DIVU
32'b000000???????????????00000100000 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT ADD 0 1 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000100001 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT ADD 0 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000100010 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT ADD 1 1 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000100011 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT ADD 1 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000100100 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT AND ? 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000100101 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT OR 0 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000100110 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT XOR ? 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000100111 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT OR 1 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000101010 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT SLT 1 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000000???????????????00000101011 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? RS RT SLTU 1 0 0 ? ? RD 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000001?????00000???????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000001?????10000???????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ADD 0 0 0 ? ? 31 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000001?????00001???????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000001?????10001???????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ADD 0 0 0 ? ? 31 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000010?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 J 1 0 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000011?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 J 1 0 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ADD 0 0 0 ? ? 31 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b000100?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000101?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 1 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000110?????00000???????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b000111?????00000???????????????? 0 0 0 B 1 1 0 1 1 ? ? PC 8 ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b001000?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 1 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b001001?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b001010?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 RS IMM SLT 1 0 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b001011?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 RS IMM SLTU 1 0 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b001100?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 RS IMM AND ? 0 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b001101?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 RS IMM OR 0 0 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b001110?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 RS IMM XOR ? 0 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b00111100000????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 1 ? 0 IMM ADD 0 0 0 ? ? RT 1 ALUOut 0 0 0 ?
32'b01000000000??????????00000000??? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? 0 IMM ? ? 0 ? ? ? RD 1 C0 0 0 0 ?
32'b01000000100??????????00000000??? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 0 ? ? 0 IMM ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 1 ?
32'b01000010000000000000000000011000 1 0 0 ? 0 0 0 1 1 ? ? 0 IMM ? ? 0 0 ? ? ? 0 ? 0 0 0 ?
32'b100000?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 0 1 RT 1 ? ? ? ? ?
32'b100001?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 0 1 RT 1 ? ? ? ? ?
32'b100011?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 0 ? RT 1 ? ? ? ? ?
32'b100100?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 0 0 RT 1 ? ? ? ? ?
32'b100101?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 0 0 RT 1 ? ? ? ? ?
32'b101000?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 1 ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ?
32'b101001?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 1 ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ?
32'b101011?????????????????????????? 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 RS IMM ADD 0 0 1 1 ? ? 0 ? ? ? ? ?

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
with open('') as f:
with open('ctrl.txt') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
title = lines[0].split()
items = [x.split() for x in lines[1:]]

tools/out1.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
assign ctrl.ERET = inst[30] & inst[25];
assign ctrl.SYSCALL = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[2] & inst[3] & ~inst[0];
assign ctrl.BREAK = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[2] & inst[3] & inst[0];
assign ctrl.PFCtrl.BJJR = ~inst[26] & (~inst[27] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[29] & inst[3] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[2] | inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[29]) | inst[27] & ~inst[29]) | inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31];
assign ctrl.PFCtrl.BJR = ~inst[26] & (~inst[28] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[3] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[5] & ~inst[2] | inst[28] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31]) | inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & (~inst[27] | inst[27] & inst[28]);
assign ctrl.PFCtrl.BE = inst[28] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.DP0 = ~inst[31];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.DP1 = ~inst[30] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[28] & (~inst[31] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[4] | inst[27]) | inst[31]) | inst[28]) | inst[29]) | inst[26]) | inst[30] & inst[25];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.UI = inst[28] & inst[27] & inst[26];
assign ctrl.DCtrl.IX = ~inst[28] | inst[28] & inst[31];
assign ctrl.ECtrl.ALT = ~inst[31] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[27] & ~inst[29] & inst[1] & (~inst[5] & inst[0] | inst[5]) | inst[27]) | inst[26] & inst[27] & inst[29] & ~inst[28]);
assign ctrl.OFA = ~inst[26] & (~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27] & inst[5] & ~inst[0] & ~inst[2] & ~inst[3] | inst[29] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[31] & ~inst[27]);
assign ctrl.MCtrl1.MR = inst[31];
assign ctrl.MCtrl1.MWR = inst[29];
assign ctrl.MCtrl1.MX = ~inst[28];
assign ctrl.WCtrl.RW = ~inst[30] & (~inst[29] & (~inst[31] & ~inst[28] & (~inst[27] & (~inst[26] & (~inst[3] & (~inst[4] | inst[4] & ~inst[0]) | inst[3] & (~inst[5] & ~inst[4] & ~inst[2] & inst[0] | inst[5])) | inst[26] & inst[20]) | inst[27] & inst[26]) | inst[31]) | inst[29] & ~inst[31]) | inst[30] & ~inst[25] & ~inst[23];
assign ctrl.MCtrl0.HW = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & inst[4] & (~inst[3] & ~inst[1] & inst[0] | inst[3]);
assign ctrl.MCtrl0.LW = ~inst[26] & ~inst[29] & ~inst[30] & ~inst[28] & ~inst[27] & inst[4] & (~inst[3] & inst[1] & inst[0] | inst[3]);
assign ctrl.MCtrl0.C0W = inst[30] & inst[23];