This commit is contained in:
Paul Pan 2022-08-14 22:05:12 +08:00
parent 21ff0f0c19
commit 7a506ba611
6 changed files with 41 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -17,13 +17,16 @@ module decoder2 (
always_comb begin
ri = 1'b1;
`ifdef ENABLE_CpU
ce = instr[27:26];
cpu = ce != 2'b11
& ~CU2[ce] & ( instr[31:28] == 4'b0100 // COPx
| instr[31:28] == 4'b1100 // LWCx
| instr[31:28] == 4'b1101 // LDCx
| instr[31:28] == 4'b1110 // SWCx
| instr[31:28] == 4'b1111 // SDCx
ce = {instr[27] & ~instr[26], instr[26]};
cpu = ~CU2[ce] & ( instr[31:28] == 4'b0100 // COPx
| instr[31:26] == 6'b110001 // LWC1
| instr[31:26] == 6'b110010 // LWC2
| instr[31:26] == 6'b110101 // LDC1
| instr[31:26] == 6'b110110 // LDC2
| instr[31:26] == 6'b111001 // SWC1
| instr[31:26] == 6'b111010 // SWC2
| instr[31:26] == 6'b111101 // SDC1
| instr[31:26] == 6'b111110 // SDC2
); // TODO: Cache instruction
ce = 2'b0;
@ -141,9 +144,7 @@ module decoder2 (
32'b101111?????10001????????????????: ri = 1'b0; // D-Cache Hit Invalid
32'b101111?????10101????????????????: ri = 1'b0; // D-Cache Hit Writeback Invalid
// 32'b110000??????????????????????????: begin cpu = 1'b1; ce = 2'b0; end // LL (CpU)
32'b110011??????????????????????????: ri = 1'b0; // PREF (NOP)
// 32'b111000??????????????????????????: begin cpu = 1'b1; ce = 2'b0; end // SC (CpU)

View File

@ -112,13 +112,15 @@ module DCache (
for (genvar i = 0; i < `DC_INDEX_DEPTH; i++)
initial LRU[i] = `DC_WAYS'b0;
/*verilator lint_off BLKSEQ*/
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (~rst) begin
if (setLRU_valid | clrLRU_valid)
LRU[port.index] <= nxtLRU;
nowLRU <= LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
LRU[port.index] = nxtLRU;
nowLRU = LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
/*verilator lint_on BLKSEQ*/
// ==============================
// ========= Block RAM ==========
@ -309,14 +311,16 @@ module DCache (
for (genvar i = 0; i < `DC_INDEX_DEPTH; i++)
initial LRU[i] = 1'b0;
/*verilator lint_off BLKSEQ*/
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (~rst) begin
if (port.ctrl.read_and_hit | port.ctrl.read_but_replace
| port.ctrl.write_and_hit | port.ctrl.write_but_replace)
LRU[port.index] <= nxtLRU;
nowLRU <= LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
LRU[port.index] = nxtLRU;
nowLRU = LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
/*verilator lint_on BLKSEQ*/
// ==============================
// ========= Block RAM ==========

View File

@ -77,13 +77,15 @@ module ICache (
for (genvar i = 0; i < `IC_INDEX_DEPTH; i++)
initial LRU[i] = `IC_WAYS'b0;
/*verilator lint_off BLKSEQ*/
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (~rst) begin
if (setLRU_valid | clrLRU_valid)
LRU[port.index] <= nxtLRU;
nowLRU <= LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
LRU[port.index] = nxtLRU;
nowLRU = LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
/*verilator lint_on BLKSEQ*/
// ==============================
// ========= Block RAM ==========
@ -233,13 +235,15 @@ module ICache (
for (genvar i = 0; i < `IC_INDEX_DEPTH; i++)
initial LRU[i] = 1'b0;
/*verilator lint_off BLKSEQ*/
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (~rst) begin
if (port.ctrl.read_and_hit | port.ctrl.read_but_replace)
LRU[port.index] <= nxtLRU;
nowLRU <= LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
LRU[port.index] = nxtLRU;
nowLRU = LRU[port.index_for_lookup];
/*verilator lint_on BLKSEQ*/
// ==============================
// ========= Block RAM ==========

View File

@ -112,9 +112,6 @@ module MU (
ffenr #(1) ifreq_store (.*, .d(instfetch.req), .en(in_if_ready), .q(if_req), .rst(rst | if_wait_cache));
ffen #(`XLEN) ifaddr_store (.*, .d(instfetch.addr), .en(in_if_ready), .q(stored_instfetch_addr));
logic stored_if_handshake;
ffenr #(1) ifc_handshake_store (.*, .d(in_if_valid), .en(in_if_ready), .q(stored_if_handshake));
// ============
// row data mux
// ============
@ -166,15 +163,14 @@ module MU (
case (ifc_cur_state)
cop_i_addr_ok = ~stored_if_handshake;
cop_i_addr_ok = ~if_req;
if (cop_i_req & ~stored_if_handshake) begin
if (cop_i_req & ~if_req) begin
// Handle Cache Instruction
ifc_nxt_state = IFC_CACHE_INVALID;
icache.index_for_lookup = cacheop.addr[`IC_TAGL-1:`IC_INDEXL];
end else if (~instfetch_valid) begin
// if cache read -> one more cycle to write bram
in_if_ready = 1;
end else if (if_req & instfetch_cached & icache.hit) begin
@ -185,7 +181,6 @@ module MU (
out_if_valid = 1'b1;
icache.ctrl.read_and_hit = 1'b1; // notify cache to update LRU
// icache.index
if_source_select_direct = 0;
if_source_data = icache.hit_row;
@ -352,9 +347,6 @@ module MU (
ffen #(4) memwstrb_store (.*, .d(memory.wstrb), .en(mem_store_winfo), .q(stored_memory_wstrb));
ffen #(`XLEN) memwdata_store (.*, .d(memory.wdata), .en(mem_store_winfo), .q(stored_memory_wdata));
logic stored_mem_handshake;
ffenr #(1) mem_handshake_store (.*, .d(in_mem_valid), .en(in_mem_ready), .q(stored_mem_handshake));
// ============
// row data mux
// ============
@ -434,9 +426,9 @@ module MU (
case (mem_cur_state)
cop_d_addr_ok = ~stored_mem_handshake;
cop_d_addr_ok = ~mem_req;
if (cop_d_req & ~stored_mem_handshake) begin
if (cop_d_req & ~mem_req) begin
// Handle Cache Instruction
mem_nxt_state = MEM_CACHE_INVALID;
dcache.index_for_lookup = cacheop.addr[`DC_TAGL-1:`DC_INDEXL];
@ -712,7 +704,7 @@ module MU (
// non-aligned: Never
// instfetch
assign iVA = choose_cop_i ? cacheop.addr : (instfetch.req & ~if_wait_cache & ifc_nxt_state == IFC_LOOKUP ? instfetch.addr : stored_instfetch_addr);
assign iVA = choose_cop_i ? cacheop.addr : (instfetch.req & instfetch.addr_ok & ~if_wait_cache ? instfetch.addr : stored_instfetch_addr);
assign instfetch_phy_addr = iPA1;
assign instfetch_valid = iHit1 & iMValid1 & (cp0.cp0_in_kernel | iUser1);
assign instfetch_cached = iCached1;
@ -722,7 +714,7 @@ module MU (
assign cp0.tlb_iAddressError = if_req & ~(cp0.cp0_in_kernel | iUser1);
// memory
assign dVA = choose_cop_d ? cacheop.addr : (memory.req & ~mem_wait_cache & mem_nxt_state == MEM_LOOKUP ? memory.addr : stored_memory_addr);
assign dVA = choose_cop_d ? cacheop.addr : (memory.req & memory.addr_ok & ~mem_wait_cache ? memory.addr : stored_memory_addr);
assign memory_phy_addr = dPA1;
assign memory_valid = dHit1 & dMValid1 & (cp0.cp0_in_kernel | dUser1) & (~memory.wr | dDirty1);
assign memory_cached = dCached1;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// 3/4 <= INDEXL <= 6
// IC for I-Cache
`define IC_TAGL 13
`define IC_TAGL 12
`define IC_INDEXL 6
`define IC_TAG_LENGTH (`XLEN - `IC_IGAL + 1) // Tag + Valid
`define IC_DATA_LENGTH (2 ** `IC_INDEXL * 8) // 64Bytes
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ typedef struct packed {
// DC for D-Cache
`define DC_TAGL 13
`define DC_TAGL 12
`define DC_INDEXL 5
`define DC_TAG_LENGTH (`XLEN - `DC_TAGL + 1 + 1) // Tag + Valid + Dirty
`define DC_DATA_LENGTH (2 ** `DC_INDEXL * 8) // 8Bytes

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
// `define ILA_DEBUG
`define ILA_DEBUG
// `define ENABLE_TLB
// `define ENABLE_CpU
// `define ENABLE_TRAP
// `define ENABLE_MADD
`define ENABLE_TLB
`define ENABLE_CpU
`undef ENABLE_CpU