Andrew Haberlandt 12df56b9f1 Setup cgroup.subtree_control controllers when necessary in cgroupsv2
This commit adds extra setup when cgroupsv2 is enabled. In particular,
we make sure that the root namespace has setup cgroup.subtree_control
with the controllers we need.

If the necessary controller are not listed, we have to move all
processes out of the root namespace before we can change this
(the 'no internal processes' rule:
https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/713343). Currently we only
handle the case where the nsjail process is the only process in
the cgroup. It seems like this would be relatively rare, but since
nsjail is frequently the root process in a Docker container (e.g.
for hosting CTF challenges), I think this case is common enough to
make it worth implementing.

This also adds `--detect_cgroupv2`, which will attempt to detect
whether `--cgroupv2_mount` is a valid cgroupv2 mount, and if so
it will set `use_cgroupv2`. This is useful in containerized
environments where you may not know the kernel version ahead of time.

2022-11-17 17:09:40 -05:00

279 lines
13 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto2";
package nsjail;
enum Mode {
LISTEN = 0; /* Listening on a TCP port */
ONCE = 1; /* Running the command once only */
RERUN = 2; /* Re-executing the command (forever) */
EXECVE = 3; /* Executing command w/o the supervisor */
/* Should be self explanatory */
enum LogLevel {
DEBUG = 0; /* Equivalent to the '-v' cmd-line option */
INFO = 1; /* Default level */
WARNING = 2; /* Equivalent to the '-q' cmd-line option */
ERROR = 3;
FATAL = 4;
message IdMap {
/* Empty string means "current uid/gid" */
optional string inside_id = 1 [default = ""];
optional string outside_id = 2 [default = ""];
/* See 'man user_namespaces' for the meaning of count */
optional uint32 count = 3 [default = 1];
/* Does this map use /usr/bin/new[u|g]idmap binary? */
optional bool use_newidmap = 4 [default = false];
message MountPt {
/* Can be skipped for filesystems like 'proc' */
optional string src = 1 [default = ""];
/* Should 'src' path be prefixed with this envar? */
optional string prefix_src_env = 2 [default = ""];
/* If specified, contains buffer that will be written to the dst file */
optional bytes src_content = 3 [default = ""];
/* Mount point inside jail */
required string dst = 4 [default = ""];
/* Should 'dst' path be prefixed with this envar? */
optional string prefix_dst_env = 5 [default = ""];
/* Can be empty for mount --bind mounts */
optional string fstype = 6 [default = ""];
/* E.g. size=5000000 for 'tmpfs' */
optional string options = 7 [default = ""];
/* Is it a 'mount --bind src dst' type of mount? */
optional bool is_bind = 8 [default = false];
/* Is it a R/W mount? */
optional bool rw = 9 [default = false];
/* Is it a directory? If not specified an internal
heuristics will be used to determine that */
optional bool is_dir = 10;
/* Should the sandboxing fail if we cannot mount this resource? */
optional bool mandatory = 11 [default = true];
/* Is it a symlink (instead of real mount point)? */
optional bool is_symlink = 12 [default = false];
/* Is it a nosuid mount */
optional bool nosuid = 13 [default = false];
/* Is it a nodev mount */
optional bool nodev = 14 [default = false];
/* Is it a noexec mount */
optional bool noexec = 15 [default = false];
enum RLimit {
VALUE = 0; /* Use the provided value */
SOFT = 1; /* Use the current soft rlimit */
HARD = 2; /* Use the current hard rlimit */
INF = 3; /* Use RLIM64_INFINITY */
message Exe {
/* Will be used both as execv's path and as argv[0] */
required string path = 1;
/* This will be argv[1] and so on.. */
repeated string arg = 2;
/* Override argv[0] */
optional string arg0 = 3;
/* Should execveat() be used to execute a file-descriptor instead? */
optional bool exec_fd = 4 [default = false];
message NsJailConfig {
/* Optional name and description for this config */
optional string name = 1 [default = ""];
repeated string description = 2;
/* Execution mode: see 'msg Mode' description for more */
optional Mode mode = 3 [default = ONCE];
/* Hostname inside jail */
optional string hostname = 4 [default = "NSJAIL"];
/* Initial current working directory for the binary */
optional string cwd = 5 [default = "/"];
/* Defines whether to use switch_root or pivot_root */
optional bool no_pivotroot = 6 [default = false];
/* TCP port to listen to. Valid with mode=LISTEN only */
optional uint32 port = 7 [default = 0];
/* Host to bind to for mode=LISTEN. Must be in IPv6 format */
optional string bindhost = 8 [default = "::"];
/* For mode=LISTEN, maximum number of connections across all IPs */
optional uint32 max_conns = 9 [default = 0];
/* For mode=LISTEN, maximum number of connections from a single IP */
optional uint32 max_conns_per_ip = 10 [default = 0];
/* Wall-time time limit for commands */
optional uint32 time_limit = 11 [default = 600];
/* Should nsjail go into background? */
optional bool daemon = 12 [default = false];
/* Maximum number of CPUs to use: 0 - no limit */
optional uint32 max_cpus = 13 [default = 0];
/* FD to log to. */
optional int32 log_fd = 14;
/* File to save logs to. */
optional string log_file = 15;
/* Minimum log level displayed.
See 'msg LogLevel' description for more */
optional LogLevel log_level = 16;
/* Should the current environment variables be kept
when executing the binary */
optional bool keep_env = 17 [default = false];
/* EnvVars to be set before executing binaries. If the envar doesn't contain '='
(e.g. just the 'DISPLAY' string), the current envar value will be used */
repeated string envar = 18;
/* Should capabilities be preserved or dropped */
optional bool keep_caps = 19 [default = false];
/* Which capabilities should be preserved if keep_caps == false.
Format: "CAP_SYS_PTRACE" */
repeated string cap = 20;
/* Should nsjail close FD=0,1,2 before executing the process */
optional bool silent = 21 [default = false];
/* Should the child process have control over terminal?
Can be useful to allow /bin/sh to provide
job control / signals. Dangerous, can be used to put
characters into the controlling terminal back */
optional bool skip_setsid = 22 [default = false];
/* Redirect sdterr of the process to /dev/null instead of the socket or original TTY */
optional bool stderr_to_null = 23 [default = false];
/* Which FDs should be passed to the newly executed process
By default only FD=0,1,2 are passed */
repeated int32 pass_fd = 24;
/* Setting it to true will allow to have set-uid binaries
inside the jail */
optional bool disable_no_new_privs = 25 [default = false];
/* Various rlimits, the rlimit_as/rlimit_core/... are used only if
rlimit_as_type/rlimit_core_type/... are set to RLimit::VALUE */
optional uint64 rlimit_as = 26 [default = 4096]; /* In MiB */
optional RLimit rlimit_as_type = 27 [default = VALUE];
optional uint64 rlimit_core = 28 [default = 0]; /* In MiB */
optional RLimit rlimit_core_type = 29 [default = VALUE];
optional uint64 rlimit_cpu = 30 [default = 600]; /* In seconds */
optional RLimit rlimit_cpu_type = 31 [default = VALUE];
optional uint64 rlimit_fsize = 32 [default = 1]; /* In MiB */
optional RLimit rlimit_fsize_type = 33 [default = VALUE];
optional uint64 rlimit_nofile = 34 [default = 32];
optional RLimit rlimit_nofile_type = 35 [default = VALUE];
/* RLIMIT_NPROC is system-wide - tricky to use; use the soft limit value by
* default here */
optional uint64 rlimit_nproc = 36 [default = 1024];
optional RLimit rlimit_nproc_type = 37 [default = SOFT];
/* In MiB, use the soft limit value by default */
optional uint64 rlimit_stack = 38 [default = 8];
optional RLimit rlimit_stack_type = 39 [default = SOFT];
/* In KB, use the soft limit value by default */
optional uint64 rlimit_memlock = 40 [default = 64];
optional RLimit rlimit_memlock_type = 41 [default = SOFT];
optional uint64 rlimit_rtprio = 42 [default = 0];
optional RLimit rlimit_rtprio_type = 43 [default = SOFT];
optional uint64 rlimit_msgqueue = 44 [default = 1024]; /* In bytes */
optional RLimit rlimit_msgqueue_type = 45 [default = SOFT];
/* Disable all rlimits, default to limits set by parent */
optional bool disable_rl = 46 [default = false];
/* See 'man personality' for more */
optional bool persona_addr_compat_layout = 47 [default = false];
optional bool persona_mmap_page_zero = 48 [default = false];
optional bool persona_read_implies_exec = 49 [default = false];
optional bool persona_addr_limit_3gb = 50 [default = false];
optional bool persona_addr_no_randomize = 51 [default = false];
/* Which name-spaces should be used? */
optional bool clone_newnet = 52 [default = true];
optional bool clone_newuser = 53 [default = true];
optional bool clone_newns = 54 [default = true];
optional bool clone_newpid = 55 [default = true];
optional bool clone_newipc = 56 [default = true];
optional bool clone_newuts = 57 [default = true];
/* Disable for kernel versions < 4.6 as it's not supported there */
optional bool clone_newcgroup = 58 [default = true];
/* Supported with kernel versions >= 5.3 */
optional bool clone_newtime = 59 [default = false];
/* Mappings for UIDs and GIDs. See the description for 'msg IdMap'
for more */
repeated IdMap uidmap = 60;
repeated IdMap gidmap = 61;
/* Should /proc be mounted (R/O)? This can also be added in the 'mount'
section below */
optional bool mount_proc = 62 [default = false];
/* Mount points inside the jail. See the description for 'msg MountPt'
for more */
repeated MountPt mount = 63;
/* Kafel seccomp-bpf policy file or a string:
Homepage of the project: https://github.com/google/kafel */
optional string seccomp_policy_file = 64;
repeated string seccomp_string = 65;
/* Setting it to true makes audit write seccomp logs to dmesg */
optional bool seccomp_log = 66 [default = false];
/* If > 0, maximum cumulative size of RAM used inside any jail */
optional uint64 cgroup_mem_max = 67 [default = 0]; /* In bytes */
/* If > 0, maximum cumulative size of RAM + swap used inside any jail */
optional uint64 cgroup_mem_memsw_max = 91 [default = 0]; /* In bytes */
/* If >= 0, maximum cumulative size of swap used inside any jail */
optional int64 cgroup_mem_swap_max = 92 [default = -1]; /* In bytes */
/* Mount point for cgroups-memory in your system */
optional string cgroup_mem_mount = 68 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup/memory"];
/* Writeable directory (for the nsjail user) under cgroup_mem_mount */
optional string cgroup_mem_parent = 69 [default = "NSJAIL"];
/* If > 0, maximum number of PIDs (threads/processes) inside jail */
optional uint64 cgroup_pids_max = 70 [default = 0];
/* Mount point for cgroups-pids in your system */
optional string cgroup_pids_mount = 71 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup/pids"];
/* Writeable directory (for the nsjail user) under cgroup_pids_mount */
optional string cgroup_pids_parent = 72 [default = "NSJAIL"];
/* If > 0, Class identifier of network packets inside jail */
optional uint32 cgroup_net_cls_classid = 73 [default = 0];
/* Mount point for cgroups-net-cls in your system */
optional string cgroup_net_cls_mount = 74 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls"];
/* Writeable directory (for the nsjail user) under cgroup_net_mount */
optional string cgroup_net_cls_parent = 75 [default = "NSJAIL"];
/* If > 0, number of milliseconds of CPU time per second that jailed processes can use */
optional uint32 cgroup_cpu_ms_per_sec = 76 [default = 0];
/* Mount point for cgroups-cpu in your system */
optional string cgroup_cpu_mount = 77 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu"];
/* Writeable directory (for the nsjail user) under cgroup_cpu_mount */
optional string cgroup_cpu_parent = 78 [default = "NSJAIL"];
/* Mount point for cgroup v2 in your system */
optional string cgroupv2_mount = 79 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup"];
/* Use cgroup v2 */
optional bool use_cgroupv2 = 80 [default = false];
/* Should the 'lo' interface be brought up (active) inside this jail? */
optional bool iface_no_lo = 81 [default = false];
/* Put this interface inside the jail */
repeated string iface_own = 82;
/* Parameters for the cloned MACVLAN interface inside jail */
optional string macvlan_iface = 83; /* Interface to be cloned, eg 'eth0' */
optional string macvlan_vs_ip = 84 [default = ""];
optional string macvlan_vs_nm = 85 [default = ""];
optional string macvlan_vs_gw = 86 [default = ""];
optional string macvlan_vs_ma = 87 [default = ""];
optional string macvlan_vs_mo = 88 [default = "private"];
/* Niceness level of the jailed process */
optional int32 nice_level = 89 [default = 19];
/* Binary path (with arguments) to be executed. If not specified here, it
can be specified with cmd-line as "-- /path/to/command arg1 arg2" */
optional Exe exec_bin = 90;
optional bool disable_tsc = 93 [default = false];
/* Set this to true to forward fatal signals to the child process instead
* of always using SIGKILL. */
optional bool forward_signals = 94 [default = false];
/* Check whether cgroupv2 is available, and use it if available. */
optional bool detect_cgroupv2 = 95 [default = false];