syntax = "proto2"; package nsjail; enum Mode { LISTEN = 0; /* Listening on a TCP port */ ONCE = 1; /* Running the command once only */ RERUN = 2; /* Re-executing the command (forever) */ EXECVE = 3; /* Executing command w/o the supervisor */ } /* Should be self explanatory */ enum LogLevel { DEBUG = 0; /* Equivalent to the '-v' cmd-line option */ INFO = 1; /* Default level */ WARNING = 2; /* Equivalent to the '-q' cmd-line option */ ERROR = 3; FATAL = 4; } message IdMap { /* Empty string means "current uid/gid" */ optional string inside_id = 1 [default = ""]; optional string outside_id = 2 [default = ""]; /* See 'man user_namespaces' for the meaning of count */ optional uint32 count = 3 [default = 1]; /* Does this map use /usr/bin/new[u|g]idmap binary? */ optional bool use_newidmap = 4 [default = false]; } message MountPt { /* Can be skipped for filesystems like 'proc' */ optional string src = 1; /* Should 'src' path be prefixed with this envvar? */ optional string prefix_src_env = 2; /* If specified, contains buffer that will be written to the dst file */ optional bytes src_content = 3; /* Mount point inside jail */ required string dst = 4; /* Should 'dst' path be prefixed with this envvar? */ optional string prefix_dst_env = 5; /* Can be empty for mount --bind mounts */ optional string fstype = 6 [default = ""]; /* E.g. size=5000000 for 'tmpfs' */ optional string options = 7 [default = ""]; /* Is it 'mount --bind src dst' type of mount */ optional bool is_bind = 8 [default = false]; /* It it R/W mount */ optional bool rw = 9 [default = false]; /* Is it directory? If not specified an internal heuristics will be used to determine that */ optional bool is_dir = 10; /* Should the sandboxing fail if we cannot mount this resource? */ optional bool mandatory = 11 [default = true]; /* Is it a symlink (instead of real mount point)? */ optional bool is_symlink = 12 [default = false]; } enum RLimit { VALUE = 0; /* Use the provided value */ SOFT = 1; /* Use the current soft rlimit */ HARD = 2; /* Use the current hard rlimit */ INF = 3; /* Use RLIM64_INFINITY */ } message Exe { /* Will be used both as execv's path and as argv[0] */ required string path = 1; /* This will be argv[1] and so on.. */ repeated string arg = 2; /* Override argv[0] */ optional string arg0 = 3; /* Should execveat() be used to execute a file-descriptor instead? */ optional bool exec_fd = 4 [default = false]; } message NsJailConfig { /* Optional name and description for this config */ optional string name = 1 [default = ""]; repeated string description = 2; /* Execution mode: see 'msg Mode' description for more */ optional Mode mode = 3 [default = ONCE]; /* Equivalent to a bind mount with dst='/' */ optional string chroot_dir = 4; /* Applies both to the chroot_dir and to /proc mounts */ optional bool is_root_rw = 5 [default = false]; /* Hostname inside jail */ optional string hostname = 8 [default = "NSJAIL"]; /* Initial current working directory for the binary */ optional string cwd = 9 [default = "/"]; /* TCP port to listen to. Valid with mode=LISTEN only */ optional uint32 port = 10 [default = 0]; /* Host to bind to for mode=LISTEN. Must be in IPv6 format */ optional string bindhost = 11 [default = "::"]; /* For mode=LISTEN, maximum number of connections from a single IP */ optional uint32 max_conns_per_ip = 12 [default = 0]; /* Wall-time time limit for commands */ optional uint32 time_limit = 13 [default = 600]; /* Should nsjail go into background? */ optional bool daemon = 14 [default = false]; /* Maximum number of CPUs to use: 0 - no limit */ optional uint32 max_cpus = 15 [default = 0]; /* FD to log to. */ optional int32 log_fd = 16; /* File to save lofs to */ optional string log_file = 17; /* Minimum log level displayed. See 'msg LogLevel' description for more */ optional LogLevel log_level = 18; /* Should the current environment variables be kept when executing the binary */ optional bool keep_env = 19 [default = false]; /* EnvVars to be set before executing binaries */ repeated string envar = 20; /* Should capabilities be preserved or dropped */ optional bool keep_caps = 21 [default = false]; /* Which capabilities should be preserved if keep_caps == false. Format: "CAP_SYS_PTRACE" */ repeated string cap = 22; /* Should nsjail close FD=0,1,2 before executing the process */ optional bool silent = 23 [default = false]; /* Should the child process have control over terminal? Can be useful to allow /bin/sh to provide job control / signals. Dangerous, can be used to put characters into the controlling terminal back */ optional bool skip_setsid = 24 [default = false]; /* Which FDs should be passed to the newly executed process By default only FD=0,1,2 are passed */ repeated int32 pass_fd = 25; /* Setting it to true will allow to have set-uid binaries inside the jail */ optional bool disable_no_new_privs = 26 [default = false]; /* Various rlimits, the rlimit_as/rlimit_core/... are used only if rlimit_as_type/rlimit_core_type/... are set to RLimit::VALUE */ optional uint64 rlimit_as = 27 [default = 512]; /* In MiB */ optional RLimit rlimit_as_type = 28 [default = VALUE]; optional uint64 rlimit_core = 29 [default = 0]; /* In MiB */ optional RLimit rlimit_core_type = 30 [default = VALUE]; optional uint64 rlimit_cpu = 31 [default = 600]; /* In seconds */ optional RLimit rlimit_cpu_type = 32 [default = VALUE]; optional uint64 rlimit_fsize = 33 [default = 1]; /* In MiB */ optional RLimit rlimit_fsize_type = 34 [default = VALUE]; optional uint64 rlimit_nofile = 35 [default = 32]; optional RLimit rlimit_nofile_type = 36 [default = VALUE]; /* RLIMIT_NPROC is system-wide - tricky to use; use the soft limit value by * default here */ optional uint64 rlimit_nproc = 37 [default = 1024]; optional RLimit rlimit_nproc_type = 38 [default = SOFT]; /* In MiB, use the soft limit value by default */ optional uint64 rlimit_stack = 39 [default = 1048576]; optional RLimit rlimit_stack_type = 40 [default = SOFT]; /* See 'man personality' for more */ optional bool persona_addr_compat_layout = 41 [default = false]; optional bool persona_mmap_page_zero = 42 [default = false]; optional bool persona_read_implies_exec = 43 [default = false]; optional bool persona_addr_limit_3gb = 44 [default = false]; optional bool persona_addr_no_randomize = 45 [default = false]; /* Which name-spaces should be used? */ optional bool clone_newnet = 46 [default = true]; optional bool clone_newuser = 47 [default = true]; optional bool clone_newns = 48 [default = true]; optional bool clone_newpid = 49 [default = true]; optional bool clone_newipc = 50 [default = true]; optional bool clone_newuts = 51 [default = true]; /* Disable for kernel versions < 4.6 as it's not supported there */ optional bool clone_newcgroup = 52 [default = true]; /* Mappings for UIDs and GIDs. See the description for 'msg IdMap' for more */ repeated IdMap uidmap = 53; repeated IdMap gidmap = 54; /* Should /proc be mounted (R/O)? This can also be added in the 'mount' section below */ optional bool mount_proc = 55 [default = false]; /* Mount points inside the jail. See the description for 'msg MountPt' for more */ repeated MountPt mount = 56; /* Kafel seccomp-bpf policy file or a string: Homepage of the project: */ optional string seccomp_policy_file = 57; repeated string seccomp_string = 58; /* If > 0, maximum cumulative size of RAM used inside any jail */ optional uint64 cgroup_mem_max = 59 [default = 0]; /* In MiB */ /* Mount point for cgroups-memory in your system */ optional string cgroup_mem_mount = 60 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup/memory"]; /* Writeable directory (for the nsjail user) under cgroup_mem_mount */ optional string cgroup_mem_parent = 61 [default = "NSJAIL"]; /* If > 0, maximum number of PIDs (threads/processes) inside jail */ optional uint64 cgroup_pids_max = 62 [default = 0]; /* Mount point for cgroups-pids in your system */ optional string cgroup_pids_mount = 63 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup/pids"]; /* Writeable directory (for the nsjail user) under cgroup_pids_mount */ optional string cgroup_pids_parent = 64 [default = "NSJAIL"]; /* If > 0, Class identifier of network packets inside jail */ optional uint32 cgroup_net_cls_classid = 65 [default = 0]; /* Mount point for cgroups-net-cls in your system */ optional string cgroup_net_cls_mount = 66 [default = "/sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls"]; /* Writeable directory (for the nsjail user) under cgroup_net_mount */ optional string cgroup_net_cls_parent = 67 [default = "NSJAIL"]; /* Should the 'lo' interface be brought up (active) inside this jail? */ optional bool iface_no_lo = 68 [default = false]; /* Parameters for the cloned MACVLAN interface inside jail */ optional string macvlan_iface = 69; /* Interface to be cloned, eg 'eth0' */ optional string macvlan_vs_ip = 70 [default = ""]; optional string macvlan_vs_nm = 71 [default = ""]; optional string macvlan_vs_gw = 72 [default = ""]; /* Binary path (with arguments) to be executed. If not specified here, it can be specified with cmd-line as "-- /path/to/command arg1 arg2" */ optional Exe exec_bin = 73; }