[Cache] ICache fix LRU

This commit is contained in:
Paul Pan 2021-07-11 16:31:37 +08:00
parent d76e825756
commit c85c69e804
6 changed files with 44 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ module ICache (
wire [`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:0] tagOut1[4];
wire [`IC_DATA_LENGTH-1:0] dataOut1[4];
wire [3:0] tagV1;
wire hit1; // Cache hit or not
wire [3:0] hitWay1; // Cache Line hit or not
@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ module ICache (
wire hit2;
wire [3:0] hitWay2;
wire [3:0] tagV2;
typedef enum logic [1:0] {
@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ module ICache (
wire [5:0] addr3;
wire [`IC_TAG_LENGTH-2:0] tag3;
wire [1:0] victim3;
wire [3:0] tagV3;
wire [3:0] wen3;
@ -103,10 +106,11 @@ module ICache (
mux2 #(6) ctrl0_mux (
mux3 #(6) ctrl0_mux (
{ctrl0, ~sram.addr_ok}, // TODO: 这里可能有问题,需要详细测试
@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ module ICache (
// =========== Lookup ===========
// ==============================
// TODO: 确保cacheMiss时tagOut1和dataOut1不变
// 确保cacheMiss时tagOut1和dataOut1不变 -> L106 mux3解决?
assign tagOut1[0] = TagRAM0.rdata;
assign tagOut1[1] = TagRAM1.rdata;
assign tagOut1[2] = TagRAM2.rdata;
@ -146,14 +150,19 @@ module ICache (
assign dataOut1[2] = DataRAM2.rdata;
assign dataOut1[3] = DataRAM3.rdata;
assign tagV1[0] = tagOut1[0][0];
assign tagV1[1] = tagOut1[1][0];
assign tagV1[2] = tagOut1[2][0];
assign tagV1[3] = tagOut1[3][0];
// Hit Check
assign tag1 = PC1[31:10];
assign addr1 = PC1[9:4];
assign hitWay1[0] = tagOut1[0][0] & tagOut1[0][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hitWay1[1] = tagOut1[1][0] & tagOut1[1][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hitWay1[2] = tagOut1[2][0] & tagOut1[2][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hitWay1[3] = tagOut1[3][0] & tagOut1[3][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hitWay1[0] = tagV1[0] & tagOut1[0][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hitWay1[1] = tagV1[1] & tagOut1[1][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hitWay1[2] = tagV1[2] & tagOut1[2][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hitWay1[3] = tagV1[3] & tagOut1[3][`IC_TAG_LENGTH-1:1] == tag1;
assign hit1 = hitWay1[0] | hitWay1[1] | hitWay1[2] | hitWay1[3];
assign cacheLine1 = (hitWay1[0] ? dataOut1[0] : `IC_DATA_LENGTH'b0) |
@ -221,12 +230,12 @@ module ICache (
// ==== Pipeline Register 2 =====
// ==============================
ffenr #(37) pipelineReg2 (
ffenr #(41) pipelineReg2 (
.rst(rst | AXIBlocker == Done),
.en (AXIBlocker == Idle), // TODO: 这里需要重新设计一下: AXI是否流水
.d ({PC1, hitWay1, cacheMiss}),
.q ({PC2, hitWay2, req2}) // TODO: Req2的逻辑可能有误
.d ({PC1, hitWay1, cacheMiss, tagV1}),
.q ({PC2, hitWay2, req2, tagV2})
// ==============================
@ -268,19 +277,23 @@ module ICache (
// ==== Pipeline Register 3 =====
// ==============================
ffenr #(`IC_DATA_LENGTH + 1 + 6 + 22) pipelineReg3 (
ffenr #(`IC_DATA_LENGTH + 1 + 6 + 22 + 4) pipelineReg3 (
.en (1'b1),
.d ({ICacheLine, ICacheLineOK, PC2[9:4], PC2[31:10]}),
.q ({ICacheLine3, ICacheLineOK3, addr3, tag3})
.d ({ICacheLine, ICacheLineOK, PC2[9:4], PC2[31:10], tagV2}),
.q ({ICacheLine3, ICacheLineOK3, addr3, tag3, tagV3})
// ==============================
// ========== Replace ===========
// ==============================
assign victim3 = LRU[addr3][0] == 0 ? 2'b00 :
assign victim3 = tagV3[0] == 0 ? 2'b00 :
tagV3[1] == 0 ? 2'b01 :
tagV3[2] == 0 ? 2'b10 :
tagV3[3] == 0 ? 2'b11 :
LRU[addr3][0] == 0 ? 2'b00 :
LRU[addr3][1] == 0 ? 2'b01 :
LRU[addr3][2] == 0 ? 2'b10 :
LRU[addr3][3] == 0 ? 2'b11 :
@ -290,6 +303,13 @@ module ICache (
assign wen3[2] = (victim3 == 2) & ICacheLineOK3;
assign wen3[3] = (victim3 == 3) & ICacheLineOK3;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (wen3 != 0) begin
$display("Victim Found: wen3=0x%b, addr3=0x%8h, tagV3=0x%b, LRU=0x%b", wen3, addr3, tagV3,
// ==============================
// ==== Pipeline Register 4 =====
// ==============================

View File

@ -1,3 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
verilator -I/home/paul/loongson/MIPS/src/AXI/ \
-I/home/paul/loongson/MIPS/src/Cache/ \
-I/home/paul/loongson/MIPS/src/Core/ \
-I/home/paul/loongson/MIPS/src/CP0/ \
-I/home/paul/loongson/MIPS/src/include/ \
-I/home/paul/loongson/MIPS/src/testbench/happy/ \
+1800-2017ext+sv \
--cc --trace --exe --build \
sim_main.cpp testbench.sv
./obj_dir/Vtestbench +trace
gtkwave ./logs/vlt_dump.vcd

View File

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
#include <memory>
#include "Vtestbench.h"
#include "verilated.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
// Create logs/ directory in case we have traces to put under it
// Construct a VerilatedContext to hold simulation time, etc.
// Multiple modules (made later below with Vtop) may share the same
// context to share time, or modules may have different contexts if
// they should be independent from each other.
// Using unique_ptr is similar to
// "VerilatedContext* contextp = new VerilatedContext" then deleting at end.
const std::unique_ptr<VerilatedContext> contextp{new VerilatedContext};
// Set debug level, 0 is off, 9 is highest presently used
// May be overridden by commandArgs argument parsing
// Randomization reset policy
// May be overridden by commandArgs argument parsing
// Verilator must compute traced signals
// Pass arguments so Verilated code can see them, e.g. $value$plusargs
// This needs to be called before you create any model
contextp->commandArgs(argc, argv);
// Construct the Verilated model, from Vtop.h generated from Verilating "top.v".
// Using unique_ptr is similar to "Vtop* top = new Vtop" then deleting at end.
// "TOP" will be the hierarchical name of the module.
const std::unique_ptr<Vtestbench> top{new Vtestbench{contextp.get(), "TESTBENCH"}};
// Set Vtop's input signals
top->clk = 0;
top->rst = 0;
// Simulate until $finish
while (!contextp->gotFinish())
// Historical note, before Verilator 4.200 Verilated::gotFinish()
// was used above in place of contextp->gotFinish().
// Most of the contextp-> calls can use Verilated:: calls instead;
// the Verilated:: versions simply assume there's a single context
// being used (per thread). It's faster and clearer to use the
// newer contextp-> versions.
contextp->timeInc(1); // 1 timeprecision period passes...
// Historical note, before Verilator 4.200 a sc_time_stamp()
// function was required instead of using timeInc. Once timeInc()
// is called (with non-zero), the Verilated libraries assume the
// new API, and sc_time_stamp() will no longer work.
// Toggle a fast (time/2 period) clock
top->clk = !top->clk;
// Evaluate model
// (If you have multiple models being simulated in the same
// timestep then instead of eval(), call eval_step() on each, then
// eval_end_step() on each. See the manual.)
// Read outputs
VL_PRINTF("[%" VL_PRI64 "d] clk=%x rst=%x -> "
"req=%x "
"addr=%" VL_PRI64 "x "
"addr_ok=%x data_ok=%x "
"rdata0=%" VL_PRI64 "x "
"rdata1=%" VL_PRI64 "x "
contextp->time(), top->clk, top->rst,
top->addr_ok, top->data_ok,
// Final model cleanup
// Return good completion status
// Don't use exit() or destructor won't get called
return 0;

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ module test ();
assign rready = fake_axi.AXIReadAddr.rready;
integer counter = 0;
reg [31:0] addr;
reg [11:0] addr;
enum logic [1:0] {
@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ module test ();
nextStatus = REQ;
end else begin
fake_sram.req = 1'b1;
//fake_sram.addr = addr;
fake_sram.addr = addrt[addrx];
fake_sram.addr = {18'b0, addr, 2'b0};
//fake_sram.addr = addrt[addrx];
nextStatus = REQ;
end else nextStatus = IDLE;
@ -148,8 +148,12 @@ module test ();
if (fake_sram.data_ok) begin
nextStatus = IDLE;
//addr = addr + 8;
addrx = addrx + 1;
if(fake_sram.rdata0 != (addr&'hFFE) && fake_sram.rdata1 != (addr&'hFFE) + 1)begin
$display("ERROR OCCURED! addr=0x%8h, rdata0=0x%8h, rdata1=0x%8h",
((addr-1)<<2), fake_sram.rdata0, fake_sram.rdata1);
addr = addr + 1;
//addrx = addrx + 1;
end else nextStatus = REQ;
end else nextStatus = IDLE;
@ -190,7 +194,7 @@ module test ();
status = IDLE;
addr = 20;
addr = 0;
addrx = 0;
addrt[0] = 48;

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
`include "ICache.svh"
`include "sram.svh"
module testbench (
input clk,
input rst,
output req,
output word_t addr,
output addr_ok,
output data_ok,
output word_t rdata0,
output word_t rdata1
sramro_i fake_sram ();
ICache ic (
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
assign req = fake_sram.req;
assign addr = fake_sram.addr;
assign addr_ok = fake_sram.addr_ok;
assign data_ok = fake_sram.data_ok;
assign rdata0 = fake_sram.rdata0;
assign rdata1 = fake_sram.rdata1;
initial begin
fake_sram.req = 1;
fake_sram.addr = 32'b0100000;
integer counter = 0;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (fake_sram.data_ok) fake_sram.addr = fake_sram.addr + 1;
if (clk == 1'b1) begin
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter >= 16) $finish;