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Jämes Ménétrey 328fd59f43
linux-sgx: Allow to open files with arbitrary paths in the sandbox using IPFS (#1685)
A limitation of the current implementation of SGX IPFS in WAMR is that
it prevents to open files which are not in the current directory.
This restriction is lifted and can now open files in paths, similarly to the
WASI openat call, which takes into account the sandbox of the file system.
2022-11-07 19:56:16 +08:00

147 lines
5.0 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define PATH_TEST_FOLDER "./test"
#define PATH_TEST_FILE (PATH_TEST_FOLDER "/test.txt")
#define FILE_TEXT "Hello, world!"
#define WORLD_OFFSET 7
#define NAME_REPLACMENT "James"
main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *file;
const char *text = FILE_TEXT;
char buffer[1000];
int ret;
long long stat_size;
// Test: Create a folder to store the file, if it does not exist yet
ret = mkdir(PATH_TEST_FOLDER, 777);
assert(ret == 0 || (ret == -1 && errno == EEXIST));
// Test: File opening (fopen)
printf("Opening a file..\n");
file = fopen(PATH_TEST_FILE, "w+");
if (file == NULL) {
printf("Error! errno: %d\n", errno);
assert(file != NULL);
printf("[Test] File opening passed.\n");
// Test: Writing to a file (fprintf)
printf("Writing to the file..\n");
ret = fprintf(file, "%s", text);
assert(ret == strlen(text));
printf("[Test] File writing passed.\n");
// Test: Reading from a file (fseek)
printf("Moving the cursor to the start of the file..\n");
ret = fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
assert(ret == 0);
printf("Reading from the file, up to 1000 characters..\n");
fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file);
printf("Text read: %s\n", buffer);
assert(strncmp(text, buffer, strlen(text)) == 0);
printf("[Test] File reading passed.\n");
// Test: end of file detection (feof)
printf("Determine whether we reach the end of the file..\n");
int is_end_of_file = feof(file);
printf("Is the end of file? %d\n", is_end_of_file);
assert(is_end_of_file == 1);
printf("[Test] End of file detection passed.\n");
// Test: retrieving file offset (ftell)
printf("Getting the plaintext size..\n");
long plaintext_size = ftell(file);
printf("The plaintext size is %ld.\n", plaintext_size);
assert(plaintext_size == 13);
printf("[Test] Retrieving file offset passed.\n");
// Test: persist changes on disk (fflush)
printf("Force actual write of all the cached data to the disk..\n");
ret = fflush(file);
assert(ret == 0);
printf("[Test] Retrieving file offset passed.\n");
// Test: writing at specified offset (pwrite)
printf("Writing 5 characters at offset %d..\n", WORLD_OFFSET);
ret = pwrite(fileno(file), NAME_REPLACMENT, NAME_REPLACMENT_LEN,
printf("File current offset: %ld\n", ftell(file));
assert(ret == NAME_REPLACMENT_LEN);
assert(ftell(file) == strlen(FILE_TEXT));
printf("[Test] Writing at specified offset passed.\n");
// Test: reading at specified offset (pread)
printf("Reading %ld characters at offset %d..\n", NAME_REPLACMENT_LEN,
buffer[NAME_REPLACMENT_LEN] = '\0';
pread(fileno(file), buffer, NAME_REPLACMENT_LEN, WORLD_OFFSET);
printf("Text read: %s\n", buffer);
printf("File current offset: %ld\n", ftell(file));
assert(strcmp(NAME_REPLACMENT, buffer) == 0);
assert(ftell(file) == strlen(FILE_TEXT));
printf("[Test] Reading at specified offset passed.\n");
// Test: allocate more space to the file (posix_fallocate)
printf("Allocate more space to the file..\n");
posix_fallocate(fileno(file), ftell(file), ADDITIONAL_SPACE);
printf("File current offset: %ld\n", ftell(file));
printf("Moving to the end..\n");
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
printf("File current offset: %ld\n", ftell(file));
assert(ftell(file) == strlen(text) + ADDITIONAL_SPACE);
printf("[Test] Allocation or more space passed.\n");
// Test: allocate more space to the file (ftruncate)
printf("Extend the file size of 10 bytes using ftruncate..\n");
ftruncate(fileno(file), ftell(file) + 10);
assert(ftell(file) == strlen(text) + ADDITIONAL_SPACE);
printf("File current offset: %ld\n", ftell(file));
printf("Moving to the end..\n");
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
printf("File current offset: %ld\n", ftell(file));
assert(ftell(file) == strlen(text) + 2 * ADDITIONAL_SPACE);
printf("[Test] Extension of the file size passed.\n");
// Display some debug information
printf("Getting the size of the file on disk..\n");
struct stat st;
stat(PATH_TEST_FILE, &st);
stat_size = st.st_size;
assert(stat_size != 0);
// Compare with the size from fstat
fstat(fileno(file), &st);
printf("The file size is: %lld (stat), %lld (fstat).\n", stat_size,
assert(stat_size != 0);
assert(stat_size == st.st_size);
// Test: closing the file (fclose)
printf("Closing from the file..\n");
ret = fclose(file);
assert(ret == 0);
printf("[Test] Closing file passed.\n");
printf("All the tests passed!\n");
return 0;