/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ // The entry file of your WebAssembly module. import * as console from '../wamr_app_lib/console' import * as timer from '../wamr_app_lib/timer' /* clousure is not implemented yet, we need to declare global variables so that they can be accessed inside a callback function */ var cnt = 0; var my_timer: timer.user_timer; export function on_init(): void { /* The callback function will be called every 2 second, and will stop after 10 calls */ my_timer = timer.setInterval(() => { cnt ++; console.log((cnt * 2).toString() + " seconds passed"); if (cnt >= 10) { timer.timer_cancel(my_timer); console.log("Stop Timer"); } }, 2000); } export function on_destroy(): void { } /* Function below are requred by wamr runtime, don't remove or modify them */ export function _on_timer_callback(on_timer_id: i32): void { timer.on_timer_callback(on_timer_id); }