/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception */ #include "wasm_native.h" #include "wasm_runtime_common.h" #include "bh_log.h" static NativeSymbolsList g_native_symbols_list = NULL; static NativeSymbolsList g_native_symbols_list_end = NULL; uint32 get_libc_builtin_export_apis(NativeSymbol **p_libc_builtin_apis); uint32 get_spectest_export_apis(NativeSymbol **p_libc_builtin_apis); uint32 get_libc_wasi_export_apis(NativeSymbol **p_libc_wasi_apis); uint32 get_base_lib_export_apis(NativeSymbol **p_base_lib_apis); uint32 get_ext_lib_export_apis(NativeSymbol **p_ext_lib_apis); static bool check_symbol_signature(const WASMType *type, const char *signature) { const char *p = signature, *p_end; char sig_map[] = { 'F', 'f', 'I', 'i' }, sig; uint32 i = 0; if (!p || strlen(p) < 2) return false; p_end = p + strlen(signature); if (*p++ != '(') return false; if ((uint32)(p_end - p) < type->param_count + 1) /* signatures of parameters, and ')' */ return false; for (i = 0; i < type->param_count; i++) { sig = *p++; if (sig == sig_map[type->types[i] - VALUE_TYPE_F64]) /* normal parameter */ continue; if (type->types[i] != VALUE_TYPE_I32) /* pointer and string must be i32 type */ return false; if (sig == '*') { /* it is a pointer */ if (i + 1 < type->param_count && type->types[i + 1] == VALUE_TYPE_I32 && *p == '~') { /* pointer length followed */ i++; p++; } } else if (sig == '$') { /* it is a string */ } else { /* invalid signature */ return false; } } if (*p++ != ')') return false; if (type->result_count) { if (p >= p_end) return false; if (*p++ != sig_map[type->types[i] - VALUE_TYPE_F64]) return false; } if (*p != '\0') return false; return true; } static void sort_symbol_ptr(NativeSymbol *native_symbols, uint32 n_native_symbols) { uint32 i, j; NativeSymbol temp; for (i = 0; i < n_native_symbols - 1; i++) { for (j = i + 1; j < n_native_symbols; j++) { if (strcmp(native_symbols[i].symbol, native_symbols[j].symbol) > 0) { temp = native_symbols[i]; native_symbols[i] = native_symbols[j]; native_symbols[j] = temp; } } } } static void * lookup_symbol(NativeSymbol *native_symbols, uint32 n_native_symbols, const char *symbol, const char **p_signature) { int low = 0, mid, ret; int high = n_native_symbols - 1; while (low <= high) { mid = (low + high) / 2; ret = strcmp(symbol, native_symbols[mid].symbol); if (ret == 0) { *p_signature = native_symbols[mid].signature; return native_symbols[mid].func_ptr; } else if (ret < 0) high = mid - 1; else low = mid + 1; } return NULL; } void* wasm_native_resolve_symbol(const char *module_name, const char *field_name, const WASMType *func_type, const char **p_signature) { NativeSymbolsNode *node, *node_next; const char *signature = NULL; void *func_ptr = NULL; node = g_native_symbols_list; while (node) { node_next = node->next; if (!strcmp(node->module_name, module_name)) { if ((func_ptr = lookup_symbol(node->native_symbols, node->n_native_symbols, field_name, &signature)) || (field_name[0] == '_' && (func_ptr = lookup_symbol(node->native_symbols, node->n_native_symbols, field_name + 1, &signature)))) break; } node = node_next; } if (func_ptr) { if (signature && signature[0] != '\0') { /* signature is not empty, check its format */ if (!check_symbol_signature(func_type, signature)) { LOG_WARNING("failed to check signature '%s' and resolve " "pointer params for import function (%s %s)\n", signature, module_name, field_name); return NULL; } else /* Save signature for runtime to do pointer check and address conversion */ *p_signature = signature; } else /* signature is empty */ *p_signature = NULL; } return func_ptr; } bool wasm_native_register_natives(const char *module_name, NativeSymbol *native_symbols, uint32 n_native_symbols) { NativeSymbolsNode *node; if (!(node = wasm_runtime_malloc(sizeof(NativeSymbolsNode)))) return false; node->module_name = module_name; node->native_symbols = native_symbols; node->n_native_symbols = n_native_symbols; node->next = NULL; if (g_native_symbols_list_end) { g_native_symbols_list_end->next = node; g_native_symbols_list_end = node; } else { g_native_symbols_list = g_native_symbols_list_end = node; } sort_symbol_ptr(native_symbols, n_native_symbols); return true; } bool wasm_native_init() { NativeSymbol *native_symbols; uint32 n_native_symbols; #if WASM_ENABLE_LIBC_BUILTIN != 0 n_native_symbols = get_libc_builtin_export_apis(&native_symbols); if (!wasm_native_register_natives("env", native_symbols, n_native_symbols)) return false; n_native_symbols = get_spectest_export_apis(&native_symbols); if (!wasm_native_register_natives("spectest", native_symbols, n_native_symbols)) return false; #endif #if WASM_ENABLE_LIBC_WASI != 0 n_native_symbols = get_libc_wasi_export_apis(&native_symbols); if (!wasm_native_register_natives("wasi_unstable", native_symbols, n_native_symbols)) return false; #endif #if WASM_ENABLE_BASE_LIB != 0 n_native_symbols = get_base_lib_export_apis(&native_symbols); if (n_native_symbols > 0 && !wasm_native_register_natives("env", native_symbols, n_native_symbols)) return false; #endif #if WASM_ENABLE_APP_FRAMEWORK != 0 n_native_symbols = get_ext_lib_export_apis(&native_symbols); if (n_native_symbols > 0 && !wasm_native_register_natives("env", native_symbols, n_native_symbols)) return false; #endif return true; } void wasm_native_destroy() { NativeSymbolsNode *node, *node_next; node = g_native_symbols_list; while (node) { node_next = node->next; wasm_runtime_free(node); node = node_next; } g_native_symbols_list = g_native_symbols_list_end = NULL; }