# # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception # #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ It is the entrance of the iagent test framework. """ import argparse import datetime import os import pprint import random import re import shlex import subprocess import signal import sys import time sys.path.append('../../../app-sdk/python') from framework.test_utils import * from framework.framework import * def signal_handler(signal, frame): print('Pressed Ctrl+C!') sys.exit(0) def Register_signal_handler(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # signal.pause() def flatten_args_list(l): if l is None: return None return [x for y in l for x in y] if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "to run specific case(s) "\ "in specific suite(s) with FC test framework") parser.add_argument('-s', dest = 'suite_id', action = 'append', nargs = '+', help = 'one or multiple suite ids, which are also setup ids.'\ 'by default if it isn\'t passed from argument, all '\ 'suites are going to be run.') parser.add_argument('-t', dest = 'case_id', action = 'append', nargs = '+', help = 'one or multiple cases ids.'\ 'by default if it isn\'t passed from argument, all '\ 'cases in specific suites are going to be run.') parser.add_argument('-n', dest = 'repeat_time', action = 'store', default = 1, help = 'how many times do you want to run. there is 40s '\ 'break time between two rounds. each round includs '\ 'init_setup, run_test_case and deinit_setup.') parser.add_argument('--shuffle_all', dest = 'shuffle_all', default = False, action = 'store_true', help = 'shuffle_all test cases in per test suite '\ 'by default, all cases under per suite should '\ 'be executed by input order.') parser.add_argument('--cases_list', dest='cases_list_file_path', default=None, action='store', help="read cases list from a flie ") parser.add_argument('--skip_proc', dest='skip_proc', default = False, action = 'store_true', help='do not start the test process.'\ 'sometimes the gw_broker process will be started in eclipse for debug purpose') parser.add_argument('-b', dest = 'binaries', action = 'store', help = 'The path of target folder ') parser.add_argument('-d', dest = 'debug', action = 'store_true', help = 'wait user to attach the target process after launch processes ') parser.add_argument('--rebuild', dest = 'rebuild', action = 'store_true', help = 'rebuild all test binaries') args = parser.parse_args() print "------------------------------------------------------------" print "parsing arguments ... ..." print args ''' logger = logging.getLogger('coapthon.server.coap') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(console) ''' print "------------------------------------------------------------" print "preparing wamr binary and test tools ... ..." os.system("cd ../../samples/simple/ && bash build.sh -p host-interp") Register_signal_handler() api_init_globals(); api_create_case_event(); suites_list = flatten_args_list(args.suite_id) cases_list = flatten_args_list(args.case_id) dirname, filename = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) api_set_root_path(dirname); framework = CTestFramework(dirname); framework.repeat_time = int(args.repeat_time) framework.shuffle_all = args.shuffle_all framework.skip_proc=args.skip_proc api_set_value('keep_env', args.skip_proc) api_set_value('debug', args.debug) api_set_value('rebuild', args.rebuild) binary_path = args.binaries if binary_path is None: binary_path = os.path.abspath(dirname + '/../..') print "checking execution binary path: " + binary_path if not os.path.exists(binary_path): print "The execution binary path was not available. quit..." os._exit(0) api_set_value('binary_path', binary_path) if suites_list is not None: framework.target_suites = suites_list else: framework.load_suites() framework.target_cases = cases_list framework.start_run() print "\n\n------------------------------------------------------------" print "The run folder is [" + framework.running_folder +"]" print "that's all. bye" print "kill to quit.." t_kill_process_by_name("start.py") sys.exit(0) os._exit()