#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2019 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception CUR_DIR=$PWD OUT_DIR=$CUR_DIR/out REPORT=$CUR_DIR/report.txt TIME=/usr/bin/time PLATFORM=$(uname -s | tr A-Z a-z) IWASM_CMD=$CUR_DIR/../../../product-mini/platforms/${PLATFORM}/build/iwasm BENCH_NAME_MAX_LEN=20 SHOOTOUT_CASES="base64 fib2 gimli heapsort matrix memmove nestedloop \ nestedloop2 nestedloop3 random seqhash sieve strchr \ switch2" rm -f $REPORT touch $REPORT function print_bench_name() { name=$1 echo -en "$name" >> $REPORT name_len=${#name} if [ $name_len -lt $BENCH_NAME_MAX_LEN ] then spaces=$(( $BENCH_NAME_MAX_LEN - $name_len )) for i in $(eval echo "{1..$spaces}"); do echo -n " " >> $REPORT; done fi } echo "Start to run cases, the result is written to report.txt" #run benchmarks cd $OUT_DIR echo -en "\t\t\t\t\t native\tiwasm-aot\n" >> $REPORT for t in $SHOOTOUT_CASES do print_bench_name $t echo "run $t with native .." echo -en "\t" >> $REPORT $TIME -f "real-%e-time" ./${t}_native 2>&1 | grep "real-.*-time" | awk -F '-' '{ORS=""; print $2}' >> $REPORT echo "run $t with iwasm aot .." echo -en "\t" >> $REPORT $TIME -f "real-%e-time" $IWASM_CMD ${t}.aot 2>&1 | grep "real-.*-time" | awk -F '-' '{ORS=""; print $2}' >> $REPORT echo -en "\n" >> $REPORT done