# CONTRIBUTING ## Pull requests To submit your change: - Make sure your code is in line with our [coding conventions](##Coding-conventions). - Create an [issue] describing the bug the PR fixes or the feature you intend to implement. - Submit a [pull request] into the main branch. ## Coding conventions #### Format The codebase is formatted by `Prettier` and the `.prettierrc.json` has been configured. - VSCode along with `Format on Save` configuration could easily format your code during development. - You can run `prettier-format-check` and `prettier-format-apply` to check and format your codebase with `prettier` in terminal. #### Lint `ESlint` is used as linter for the codebase and the `.eslintrc.json` has been configured. - It's suggested to run `npm run lint` then fix errors and warnings before committing. [issue]: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime/issues [pull request]: https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime/pulls