This repository has been archived on 2023-07-17. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
jzlv 356f258e83 [sync] sync from internal repo
* use nuttx libc, disable system libc
* use tlsf as default
* update lhal flash driver
* add example readme
* add flash ini for new flash tool
* add fw header for new flash tool
2023-01-17 21:04:07 +08:00

161 lines
5.6 KiB

#include <FreeRTOS.h>
#include "task.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "semphr.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "event_groups.h"
#include "example_log.h"
BFLOG_DEFINE_TAG(LOG, "log", true);
#undef BFLOG_TAG
/* flush notice ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static EventGroupHandle_t event_group_server_log_flush_notice;
static int
xEventGroupSetBits(event_group_server_log_flush_notice, 0x00000001);
return 0;
/* Task Function ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TaskHandle_t task_server_log;
void task_function_server_log(void *param)
LOG_I("start server log task\r\n");
while (1) {
xEventGroupWaitBits(event_group_server_log_flush_notice, 0x00000001, pdTRUE, pdFALSE, portMAX_DELAY);
LOG_E("delete server_log task\r\n");
/* BFLOG Varibale ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
extern bflog_t example_recorder;
extern bflog_direct_stream_t example_uart_stream;
static bflog_direct_file_time_t bflog_direct_filetime;
static bflog_direct_file_size_t bflog_direct_filesize;
/* BFLOG Mutex ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static SemaphoreHandle_t sem_server_log;
static int
if (pdTRUE == xSemaphoreTake(sem_server_log, (TickType_t)200)) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
static int
return 0;
/* BFLOG Stream Mutex ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SemaphoreHandle_t sem_server_uart0;
static int
if (pdTRUE == xSemaphoreTake(sem_server_uart0, (TickType_t)200)) {
return 0;
} else {
return -1;
static int
return 0;
/* APP init ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
void app_server_log_init(void)
LOG_I("app server log start init\r\n");
sem_server_uart0 = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
_ASSERT_PARAM(NULL != sem_server_uart0);
/*!< create event flag */
event_group_server_log_flush_notice = xEventGroupCreate();
_ASSERT_PARAM(NULL != event_group_server_log_flush_notice);
/*!< create mutex */
sem_server_log = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
_ASSERT_PARAM(NULL != sem_server_log);
/*!< suspen recorder */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_suspend(&example_recorder));
/*!< reconfig async mode */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_control(&example_recorder, BFLOG_CMD_FLUSH_NOTICE, (uint32_t)log_flush_notice));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_control(&example_recorder, BFLOG_CMD_MODE, BFLOG_MODE_ASYNC));
/*!< recofig uart0 direct stream, set lock unlock function */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_suspend((void *)&example_uart_stream));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_control((void *)&example_uart_stream, BFLOG_DIRECT_CMD_LOCK, (uint32_t)bflog_direct_stream_lock));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_control((void *)&example_uart_stream, BFLOG_DIRECT_CMD_UNLOCK, (uint32_t)bflog_direct_stream_unlock));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_resume((void *)&example_uart_stream));
/*!< create and config file time direct, keep common log info */
/*!< lock unlcok function not need, fatfs support re-entrancy mode */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_create((void *)&bflog_direct_filetime, BFLOG_DIRECT_TYPE_FILE_TIME, BFLOG_DIRECT_COLOR_DISABLE, NULL, NULL));
/*!< 6 * 60 * 60 second create a file */
/*!< keep max 120 files */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_init_file_time((void *)&bflog_direct_filetime, "sd:/log/common", 6 * 60 * 60, 120));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_append(&example_recorder, (void *)&bflog_direct_filetime));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_resume((void *)&bflog_direct_filetime));
/*!< create and config file time direct, only keep error and warning log info */
/*!< lock unlcok function not need, fatfs support re-entrancy mode */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_create((void *)&bflog_direct_filesize, BFLOG_DIRECT_TYPE_FILE_SIZE, BFLOG_DIRECT_COLOR_DISABLE, NULL, NULL));
/*!< 128 * 1024 bytes create a file */
/*!< keep max 16 files */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_init_file_size((void *)&bflog_direct_filesize, "sd:/log/error", 128 * 1024, 16));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_control((void *)&bflog_direct_filesize, BFLOG_DIRECT_CMD_LEVEL, BFLOG_LEVEL_WARN));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_append(&example_recorder, (void *)&bflog_direct_filesize));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_direct_resume((void *)&bflog_direct_filesize));
/*!< config mutex */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_control(&example_recorder, BFLOG_CMD_ENTER_CRITICAL, (uint32_t)bflog_enter_critical));
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_control(&example_recorder, BFLOG_CMD_EXIT_CRITICAL, (uint32_t)bflog_exit_critical));
/*!< resume recorder */
_ASSERT_FUNC(0 == bflog_resume(&example_recorder));
/*!< create flush task */
_ASSERT_FUNC(pdPASS == xTaskCreate(
/*!< task function */ task_function_server_log,
/*!< task name */ "LOG",
/*!< stack size */ 1024,
/*!< task param */ NULL,
/*!< task priority */ 3,
/*!< task handle */ &task_server_log));
LOG_I("app server log init success\r\n");