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* @file lv_anim.c
#include "lv_anim.h"
#include "../hal/lv_hal_tick.h"
#include "lv_assert.h"
#include "lv_timer.h"
#include "lv_math.h"
#include "lv_mem.h"
#include "lv_gc.h"
#define LV_ANIM_RES_SHIFT 10
static void anim_timer(lv_timer_t * param);
static void anim_mark_list_change(void);
static void anim_ready_handler(lv_anim_t * a);
static uint32_t last_timer_run;
static bool anim_list_changed;
static bool anim_run_round;
static lv_timer_t * _lv_anim_tmr;
#define TRACE_ANIM(...)
void _lv_anim_core_init(void)
_lv_ll_init(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll), sizeof(lv_anim_t));
_lv_anim_tmr = lv_timer_create(anim_timer, LV_DISP_DEF_REFR_PERIOD, NULL);
anim_mark_list_change(); /*Turn off the animation timer*/
anim_list_changed = false;
void lv_anim_init(lv_anim_t * a)
lv_memset_00(a, sizeof(lv_anim_t));
a->time = 500;
a->start_value = 0;
a->end_value = 100;
a->repeat_cnt = 1;
a->path_cb = lv_anim_path_linear;
a->early_apply = 1;
lv_anim_t * lv_anim_start(const lv_anim_t * a)
/*Do not let two animations for the same 'var' with the same 'exec_cb'*/
if(a->exec_cb != NULL) lv_anim_del(a->var, a->exec_cb); /*exec_cb == NULL would delete all animations of var*/
/*If the list is empty the anim timer was suspended and it's last run measure is invalid*/
if(_lv_ll_is_empty(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll))) {
last_timer_run = lv_tick_get();
/*Add the new animation to the animation linked list*/
lv_anim_t * new_anim = _lv_ll_ins_head(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll));
if(new_anim == NULL) return NULL;
/*Initialize the animation descriptor*/
lv_memcpy(new_anim, a, sizeof(lv_anim_t));
if(a->var == a) new_anim->var = new_anim;
new_anim->run_round = anim_run_round;
/*Set the start value*/
if(new_anim->early_apply) {
if(new_anim->get_value_cb) {
int32_t v_ofs = new_anim->get_value_cb(new_anim);
new_anim->start_value += v_ofs;
new_anim->end_value += v_ofs;
if(new_anim->exec_cb && new_anim->var) new_anim->exec_cb(new_anim->var, new_anim->start_value);
/*Creating an animation changed the linked list.
*It's important if it happens in a ready callback. (see `anim_timer`)*/
return new_anim;
uint32_t lv_anim_get_playtime(lv_anim_t * a)
uint32_t playtime = LV_ANIM_PLAYTIME_INFINITE;
if(a->repeat_cnt == LV_ANIM_REPEAT_INFINITE)
return playtime;
playtime = a->time - a->act_time;
if(a->playback_now == 0)
playtime += a->playback_delay + a->playback_time;
if(a->repeat_cnt <= 1)
return playtime;
playtime += (a->repeat_delay + a->time +
a->playback_delay + a->playback_time) *
(a->repeat_cnt - 1);
return playtime;
bool lv_anim_del(void * var, lv_anim_exec_xcb_t exec_cb)
lv_anim_t * a;
lv_anim_t * a_next;
bool del = false;
a = _lv_ll_get_head(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll));
while(a != NULL) {
/*'a' might be deleted, so get the next object while 'a' is valid*/
a_next = _lv_ll_get_next(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll), a);
if((a->var == var || var == NULL) && (a->exec_cb == exec_cb || exec_cb == NULL)) {
_lv_ll_remove(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll), a);
if(a->deleted_cb != NULL) a->deleted_cb(a);
anim_mark_list_change(); /*Read by `anim_timer`. It need to know if a delete occurred in
the linked list*/
del = true;
a = a_next;
return del;
void lv_anim_del_all(void)
lv_anim_t * lv_anim_get(void * var, lv_anim_exec_xcb_t exec_cb)
lv_anim_t * a;
_LV_LL_READ(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll), a) {
if(a->var == var && (a->exec_cb == exec_cb || exec_cb == NULL)) {
return a;
return NULL;
struct _lv_timer_t * lv_anim_get_timer(void)
return _lv_anim_tmr;
uint16_t lv_anim_count_running(void)
uint16_t cnt = 0;
lv_anim_t * a;
_LV_LL_READ(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll), a) cnt++;
return cnt;
uint32_t lv_anim_speed_to_time(uint32_t speed, int32_t start, int32_t end)
uint32_t d = LV_ABS(start - end);
uint32_t time = (d * 1000) / speed;
if(time == 0) {
return time;
void lv_anim_refr_now(void)
int32_t lv_anim_path_linear(const lv_anim_t * a)
/*Calculate the current step*/
int32_t step = lv_map(a->act_time, 0, a->time, 0, LV_ANIM_RESOLUTION);
/*Get the new value which will be proportional to `step`
*and the `start` and `end` values*/
int32_t new_value;
new_value = step * (a->end_value - a->start_value);
new_value = new_value >> LV_ANIM_RES_SHIFT;
new_value += a->start_value;
return new_value;
int32_t lv_anim_path_ease_in(const lv_anim_t * a)
/*Calculate the current step*/
uint32_t t = lv_map(a->act_time, 0, a->time, 0, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t step = lv_bezier3(t, 0, 50, 100, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t new_value;
new_value = step * (a->end_value - a->start_value);
new_value = new_value >> LV_BEZIER_VAL_SHIFT;
new_value += a->start_value;
return new_value;
int32_t lv_anim_path_ease_out(const lv_anim_t * a)
/*Calculate the current step*/
uint32_t t = lv_map(a->act_time, 0, a->time, 0, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t step = lv_bezier3(t, 0, 900, 950, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t new_value;
new_value = step * (a->end_value - a->start_value);
new_value = new_value >> LV_BEZIER_VAL_SHIFT;
new_value += a->start_value;
return new_value;
int32_t lv_anim_path_ease_in_out(const lv_anim_t * a)
/*Calculate the current step*/
uint32_t t = lv_map(a->act_time, 0, a->time, 0, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t step = lv_bezier3(t, 0, 50, 952, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t new_value;
new_value = step * (a->end_value - a->start_value);
new_value = new_value >> LV_BEZIER_VAL_SHIFT;
new_value += a->start_value;
return new_value;
int32_t lv_anim_path_overshoot(const lv_anim_t * a)
/*Calculate the current step*/
uint32_t t = lv_map(a->act_time, 0, a->time, 0, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t step = lv_bezier3(t, 0, 1000, 1300, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t new_value;
new_value = step * (a->end_value - a->start_value);
new_value = new_value >> LV_BEZIER_VAL_SHIFT;
new_value += a->start_value;
return new_value;
int32_t lv_anim_path_bounce(const lv_anim_t * a)
/*Calculate the current step*/
int32_t t = lv_map(a->act_time, 0, a->time, 0, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX);
int32_t diff = (a->end_value - a->start_value);
/*3 bounces has 5 parts: 3 down and 2 up. One part is t / 5 long*/
if(t < 408) {
/*Go down*/
t = (t * 2500) >> LV_BEZIER_VAL_SHIFT; /*[0..1024] range*/
else if(t >= 408 && t < 614) {
/*First bounce back*/
t -= 408;
t = t * 5; /*to [0..1024] range*/
diff = diff / 20;
else if(t >= 614 && t < 819) {
/*Fall back*/
t -= 614;
t = t * 5; /*to [0..1024] range*/
diff = diff / 20;
else if(t >= 819 && t < 921) {
/*Second bounce back*/
t -= 819;
t = t * 10; /*to [0..1024] range*/
diff = diff / 40;
else if(t >= 921 && t <= LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX) {
/*Fall back*/
t -= 921;
t = t * 10; /*to [0..1024] range*/
diff = diff / 40;
if(t < 0) t = 0;
int32_t step = lv_bezier3(t, LV_BEZIER_VAL_MAX, 800, 500, 0);
int32_t new_value;
new_value = step * diff;
new_value = new_value >> LV_BEZIER_VAL_SHIFT;
new_value = a->end_value - new_value;
return new_value;
int32_t lv_anim_path_step(const lv_anim_t * a)
if(a->act_time >= a->time)
return a->end_value;
return a->start_value;
* Periodically handle the animations.
* @param param unused
static void anim_timer(lv_timer_t * param)
uint32_t elaps = lv_tick_elaps(last_timer_run);
/*Flip the run round*/
anim_run_round = anim_run_round ? false : true;
lv_anim_t * a = _lv_ll_get_head(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll));
while(a != NULL) {
/*It can be set by `lv_anim_del()` typically in `end_cb`. If set then an animation delete
* happened in `anim_ready_handler` which could make this linked list reading corrupt
* because the list is changed meanwhile
anim_list_changed = false;
if(a->run_round != anim_run_round) {
a->run_round = anim_run_round; /*The list readying might be reset so need to know which anim has run already*/
/*The animation will run now for the first time. Call `start_cb`*/
int32_t new_act_time = a->act_time + elaps;
if(!a->start_cb_called && a->act_time <= 0 && new_act_time >= 0) {
if(a->early_apply == 0 && a->get_value_cb) {
int32_t v_ofs = a->get_value_cb(a);
a->start_value += v_ofs;
a->end_value += v_ofs;
if(a->start_cb) a->start_cb(a);
a->start_cb_called = 1;
a->act_time += elaps;
if(a->act_time >= 0) {
if(a->act_time > a->time) a->act_time = a->time;
int32_t new_value;
new_value = a->path_cb(a);
if(new_value != a->current_value) {
a->current_value = new_value;
/*Apply the calculated value*/
if(a->exec_cb) a->exec_cb(a->var, new_value);
/*If the time is elapsed the animation is ready*/
if(a->act_time >= a->time) {
/*If the linked list changed due to anim. delete then it's not safe to continue
*the reading of the list from here -> start from the head*/
a = _lv_ll_get_head(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll));
a = _lv_ll_get_next(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll), a);
last_timer_run = lv_tick_get();
* Called when an animation is ready to do the necessary thinks
* e.g. repeat, play back, delete etc.
* @param a pointer to an animation descriptor
static void anim_ready_handler(lv_anim_t * a)
/*In the end of a forward anim decrement repeat cnt.*/
if(a->playback_now == 0 && a->repeat_cnt > 0 && a->repeat_cnt != LV_ANIM_REPEAT_INFINITE) {
/*Delete the animation if
* - no repeat left and no play back (simple one shot animation)
* - no repeat, play back is enabled and play back is ready*/
if(a->repeat_cnt == 0 && (a->playback_time == 0 || a->playback_now == 1)) {
/*Delete the animation from the list.
* This way the `ready_cb` will see the animations like it's animation is ready deleted*/
_lv_ll_remove(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll), a);
/*Flag that the list has changed*/
/*Call the callback function at the end*/
if(a->ready_cb != NULL) a->ready_cb(a);
if(a->deleted_cb != NULL) a->deleted_cb(a);
/*If the animation is not deleted then restart it*/
else {
a->act_time = -(int32_t)(a->repeat_delay); /*Restart the animation*/
/*Swap the start and end values in play back mode*/
if(a->playback_time != 0) {
/*If now turning back use the 'playback_pause*/
if(a->playback_now == 0) a->act_time = -(int32_t)(a->playback_delay);
/*Toggle the play back state*/
a->playback_now = a->playback_now == 0 ? 1 : 0;
/*Swap the start and end values*/
int32_t tmp = a->start_value;
a->start_value = a->end_value;
a->end_value = tmp;
/*Swap the time and playback_time*/
tmp = a->time;
a->time = a->playback_time;
a->playback_time = tmp;
static void anim_mark_list_change(void)
anim_list_changed = true;
if(_lv_ll_get_head(&LV_GC_ROOT(_lv_anim_ll)) == NULL)