#include "bflb_mtimer.h" #include "board.h" #include "log.h" #include "bflb_emac.h" #include "ethernet_phy.h" #define EMAC_TEST_INTERVAL (9) #define EMAC_TEST_TX_INTERVAL_US (3000) static const uint8_t test_frame[42] = { /* ARP reply to is at 18:b9:05:12:34:56 */ 0xb0, 0x7b, 0x25, 0x00, 0x89, 0x53, // dst mac b0:7b:25:00:89:53 0x18, 0xB9, 0x05, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, // src mac 0x08, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x06, 0x04, 0x00, 0x02, // arp reply 0x18, 0xB9, 0x05, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, // src mac 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x7b, 0x64, // src ip 0xb0, 0x7b, 0x25, 0x00, 0x89, 0x53, // dst mac b0:7b:25:00:89:53 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x7b, 0xb2 // dst ip }; #define TEST_PATTERN_LEN (ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE - 32) ATTR_NOCACHE_NOINIT_RAM_SECTION static uint8_t test_pattern[TEST_PATTERN_LEN] = { 0 }; static volatile uint32_t tx_pkg_cnt = 0; static volatile uint32_t tx_err_cnt = 0; static volatile uint32_t rx_pkg_cnt = 0; static volatile uint32_t rx_err_cnt = 0; static volatile uint32_t rx_bytes = 0; static uint32_t time = 0; static uint32_t last_time = 0; #define ETH_RXBUFNB 5 #define ETH_TXBUFNB 5 ATTR_NOCACHE_NOINIT_RAM_SECTION __attribute__((aligned(4))) uint8_t ethRxBuff[ETH_RXBUFNB][ETH_RX_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Ethernet Receive Buffers */ ATTR_NOCACHE_NOINIT_RAM_SECTION __attribute__((aligned(4))) uint8_t ethTxBuff[ETH_TXBUFNB][ETH_TX_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* Ethernet Transmit Buffers */ struct bflb_device_s *emac0; void emac_isr(int irq, void *arg) { uint32_t int_sts_val; uint32_t index = 0; int_sts_val = bflb_emac_get_int_status(emac0); // printf("emac int:%08lx\r\n", int_sts_val); if (int_sts_val & EMAC_INT_STS_TX_DONE) { index = bflb_emac_bd_get_cur_active(emac0, EMAC_BD_TYPE_TX); bflb_emac_bd_tx_dequeue(index); bflb_emac_int_clear(emac0, EMAC_INT_STS_TX_DONE); tx_pkg_cnt++; } if (int_sts_val & EMAC_INT_STS_TX_ERROR) { bflb_emac_int_clear(emac0, EMAC_INT_STS_TX_ERROR); index = bflb_emac_bd_get_cur_active(emac0, EMAC_BD_TYPE_TX); bflb_emac_bd_tx_on_err(index); printf("EMAC tx error !!!\r\n"); tx_err_cnt++; } if (int_sts_val & EMAC_INT_STS_RX_DONE) { bflb_emac_int_clear(emac0, EMAC_INT_STS_RX_DONE); index = bflb_emac_bd_get_cur_active(emac0, EMAC_BD_TYPE_RX); bflb_emac_bd_rx_enqueue(index); uint32_t rx_len; bflb_emac_bd_rx_dequeue(-1, &rx_len, NULL); if (rx_len) { rx_pkg_cnt++; rx_bytes += rx_len; } } if (int_sts_val & EMAC_INT_STS_RX_ERROR) { bflb_emac_int_clear(emac0, EMAC_INT_STS_RX_ERROR); index = bflb_emac_bd_get_cur_active(emac0, EMAC_BD_TYPE_TX); bflb_emac_bd_tx_on_err(index); printf("EMAC rx error!!!\r\n"); rx_err_cnt++; } if (int_sts_val & EMAC_INT_STS_RX_BUSY) { printf("emac rx busy at %s:%d\r\n", __func__, __LINE__); bflb_emac_int_clear(emac0, EMAC_INT_STS_RX_BUSY); } } int main(void) { struct bflb_emac_config_s emac_cfg = { .inside_clk = EMAC_CLK_USE_EXTERNAL, .mii_clk_div = 49, .min_frame_len = 64, .max_frame_len = ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, .mac_addr[0] = 0x18, .mac_addr[1] = 0xB9, .mac_addr[2] = 0x05, .mac_addr[3] = 0x12, .mac_addr[4] = 0x34, .mac_addr[5] = 0x56, }; struct bflb_emac_phy_cfg_s phy_cfg = { .auto_negotiation = 1, /*!< Speed and mode auto negotiation */ .full_duplex = 0, /*!< Duplex mode */ .speed = 0, /*!< Speed mode */ .phy_address = 1, /*!< PHY address */ .phy_id = 0x7c0f0, /*!< PHY OUI, masked */ .phy_state = PHY_STATE_DOWN, }; uint32_t rx_len = 0; uint32_t loop = 0; board_init(); /* emac gpio init */ board_emac_gpio_init(); /* emac & BD init and interrupt attach */ emac0 = bflb_device_get_by_name("emac0"); bflb_emac_init(emac0, &emac_cfg); bflb_emac_bd_init(emac0, (uint8_t *)ethTxBuff, ETH_TXBUFNB, (uint8_t *)ethRxBuff, ETH_RXBUFNB); bflb_irq_attach(emac0->irq_num, emac_isr, emac0); bflb_emac_int_clear(emac0, EMAC_INT_EN_ALL); bflb_emac_int_enable(emac0, EMAC_INT_EN_ALL, 1); printf("EMAC ARP Packet test!\r\n"); /* phy module init */ ethernet_phy_init(emac0, &phy_cfg); printf("ETH PHY init ok!\r\n"); ethernet_phy_status_get(); if (PHY_STATE_UP == phy_cfg.phy_state) { printf("PHY[%lx] @%d ready on %dMbps, %s duplex\n\r", phy_cfg.phy_id, phy_cfg.phy_address, phy_cfg.speed, phy_cfg.full_duplex ? "full" : "half"); } else { printf("PHY Init fail\n\r"); while (1) { bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(10); } } /* test data */ memset(test_pattern, 0x5a, TEST_PATTERN_LEN); memcpy(test_pattern, test_frame, sizeof(test_frame)); /* EMAC transmit start */ printf("EMAC start\r\n"); bflb_emac_start(emac0); bflb_irq_enable(emac0->irq_num); while (1) { /* start tx queue and rx queue */ bflb_emac_bd_tx_enqueue(EMAC_NORMAL_PACKET, sizeof(test_frame), test_pattern); test_pattern[27]++; bflb_emac_bd_rx_dequeue(EMAC_NORMAL_PACKET, &rx_len, NULL); bflb_emac_bd_tx_enqueue(EMAC_NORMAL_PACKET, sizeof(test_frame), test_pattern); test_pattern[27]++; bflb_emac_bd_tx_enqueue(EMAC_NORMAL_PACKET, sizeof(test_frame), test_pattern); test_pattern[27]++; bflb_emac_bd_rx_dequeue(EMAC_NORMAL_PACKET, &rx_len, NULL); loop++; if ((loop & 0xfffff) == 0) { time = bflb_mtimer_get_time_ms(); printf("\r\nCurrent Bandwidth: %ldMbps\r\n", ((tx_pkg_cnt * 64 * 8) / (time * 1000))); printf("tx cnt: %ld, lose cnt: %ld\n\r", tx_pkg_cnt, tx_err_cnt); printf("rx cnt: %ld, lose cnt: %ld, bytes: %ld\n\r", rx_pkg_cnt, rx_err_cnt, rx_bytes); last_time = time; } } while (1) { LOG_F("emac basic\r\n"); LOG_E("emac basic\r\n"); LOG_W("emac basic\r\n"); LOG_I("emac basic\r\n"); LOG_D("emac basic\r\n"); LOG_T("emac basic\r\n"); bflb_mtimer_delay_ms(1000); } }