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If you want to get the above development board, you can apply for it in any open source community. ## Chip Manual [Chip Reference Manual](https://dev.bouffalolab.com/media/upload/doc/BL702_BL704_706_RM_zh_CN_1.1.pdf) | [Chip Data Manual](https://dev.bouffalolab.com/media/upload/doc/BL702_BL704_BL706_DS_zh_CN_Combo_2.0.pdf) For more information, please visit the BouffaloLab developer website: [https://dev.bouffalolab.com/](https://dev.bouffalolab.com/) ## Documentation Tutorial Contains a quick start tutorial for bl mcu sdk development, api manual and a detailed introduction to the driver framework, etc. - [bl mcu sdk documentation tutorial](http://bouffalolab.gitee.io/bl_mcu_sdk) ## Video Tutorial - [BL706 MCU Development Series Video Tutorial](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xK4y1P7ur) ## Development Tools ### Command Line Development For the tools needed for command line development, please refer to [linux development guide](http://bouffalolab.gitee.io/bl_mcu_sdk/get_started/Linux_quick_start_ubuntu.html) - [cmake 3.19](https://cmake.org/files/v3.19/), cmake compilation tool, it is recommended to use cmake v3.19 or above ### Eclipse Development For the tools needed for Eclipse development, please refer to [Eclipse Development Guide](http://bouffalolab.gitee.io/bl_mcu_sdk/get_started/Windows_quick_start_eclipse.html) - [Eclipse](https://dev.bouffalolab.com/media/upload/download/BouffaloLab_eclipse_x86_64_win.zip) eclipse development free installation package under Windows - [J-Link v10](https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink), J-Link debugger, used to debug the chip online, it is recommended to use the hardware of J-Link V10 or above, and the software driver is recommended to use V6 .98 version ### CDK Development For tools needed for CDK development, please refer to [CDK Development Guide](http://bouffalolab.gitee.io/bl_mcu_sdk/get_started/Windows_quick_start_cdk.html) - [CDK](https://occ.t-head.cn/development/activities/cdk), Jianchi CDK integrated development environment of T-Head , it is recommended to use CDK v2.8.4 or above ### Flash Tool In addition to using CK-link, J-link and command line programming, it also supports graphical programming tools. Graphical programming tools provided by Bouffalolab: - [Bouffalo Lab Dev Cube For Windows](https://dev.bouffalolab.com/media/upload/download/BouffaloLabDevCube-1.5.3-win32.zip) - [Bouffalo Lab Dev Cube For Ubuntu](https://dev.bouffalolab.com/media/upload/download/BouffaloLabDevCube-1.5.3-linux-x86.tar.gz) ## Forum Bouffalolab Developer Forum: [https://bbs.bouffalolab.com/](https://bbs.bouffalolab.com/) # License **bl mcu sdk** is completely open source and follows the Apache License 2.0 open source license agreement. It can be used in commercial products for free and does not require public private code. ``` /* * Copyright (c) 2021 Bouffalolab team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ ```