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2009-01-22 10:59:24 +00:00

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/* V5.1.1 - Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Richard Barry.
This file is part of the distribution. is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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* *
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* This is a simple LED toggle test for the V850ES/Fx3.
* Creates two task that control one LED each.
* The first task toggles a LED with a frequency of 1Hz by using the vTaskDelay
* function. So the task is yielded for 1 seconed after each LED switch.
* The second LED also starts with a toggling frequency of 1Hz but this frequency
* can be increased by pushing the switch button conected to pin INTP0.
* When the switch is pushed it is detected by an interrupt. When the interrupt
* occurs a flag is set in the ISR and sent to the third task by using a queue.
* Therefore the xQueueSendFromISR() function is called from within the ISR to
* write the flag value to the queue. The task uses the xQueueReceive() function
* to read the flag value from the queue.
* If the flag value changed from the last task activation the yield time for the
* second LED is incremented by 100ms. If the yield time reaches a time greater
* then 3 seconds it is set back to 1 second within task 3.
* Also a check function is implemented to check if the task still run properly
/* Scheduler include files. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
/* Demo program include files. */
#include "LED.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "print.h"
#define LEDToggleSTACK_SIZE (( unsigned portSHORT ) configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE)
#define SwitchSTACK_SIZE (( unsigned portSHORT ) configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE)
/* LED toggle wait time and check definitions */
static portTickType LED1_Wait_Time = 1000;
static portTickType LED2_Wait_Time = 1000;
static portTickType SWITCH_Wait_Time = 50;
/* Task function prototypes */
static void vLEDToggleTask1 ( void *pvParameters );
static void vLEDToggleTask2 ( void *pvParameters );
static void vSWITCHDelayTask ( void *pvParameters );
/* Port Initialization for LED's and Switch */
static void prvLEDInit(void);
/* Switch press counter */
static unsigned portSHORT usClick = 0;
/* Queue used for LED02 toggle*/
static xQueueHandle xSwitchQueue;
/*xQUEUE *xLEDQueue;*/
static volatile unsigned portSHORT usTask1Check = 0, usTask2Check = 0, usTask3Check = 0, usLEDQueue = 0;
void vStartLEDToggleTasks( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority )
const unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxQueueSize = 4;
/* Create the queue used by the Switch ISR and the second task. */
xSwitchQueue = xQueueCreate( uxQueueSize, ( unsigned portBASE_TYPE ) sizeof( unsigned portSHORT ) );
/* create 2 LED toggle Tasks */
xTaskCreate(vLEDToggleTask1, "LEDTog1", LEDToggleSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &(usTask1Check), uxPriority, NULL );
xTaskCreate(vLEDToggleTask2, "LEDTog2", LEDToggleSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &(usTask2Check), uxPriority, NULL );
xTaskCreate(vSWITCHDelayTask, "SWITCH", SwitchSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &xSwitchQueue, (uxPriority+1), NULL );
static void vLEDToggleTask1( void *pvParameters)
static portCHAR pcLED1old;
static portCHAR LEDcounter1 = 0;
portSHORT sError = pdFALSE;
volatile unsigned portSHORT *pusTaskCheckVariable;
const portCHAR * const pcTaskFailMsg = "ERROR: LED toggle failed.\r\n";
pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned portSHORT * ) pvParameters;
pcLED1old = LED01;
LED01 = ~LED01;
vTaskDelay( LED1_Wait_Time );
/* toggle the LED01 */
if(pcLED1old == LED01)
/* an error has occured */
vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg );
sError = pdTRUE;
if(sError != pdTRUE)
/* If a LED toggle has been made, increment the check
variable so we know this task is still running okay. */
( *pusTaskCheckVariable )++;
static void vLEDToggleTask2( void *pvParameters)
static portCHAR pcLED2old;
portSHORT sError = pdFALSE;
volatile unsigned portSHORT *pusTaskCheckVariable;
const portCHAR * const pcTaskFailMsg = "ERROR: LED toggle failed.\r\n";
pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned portSHORT * ) pvParameters;
pcLED2old = LED02;
/* toggle the LED02 */
LED02 = ~LED02;
vTaskDelay( LED2_Wait_Time );
if(pcLED2old == LED02)
/* an error has occured */
vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg );
sError = pdTRUE;
if(sError != pdTRUE)
/* If a LED toggle has been made, increment the check
variable so we know this task is still running okay. */
( *pusTaskCheckVariable )++;
static void vSWITCHDelayTask( void *pvParameters)
unsigned portSHORT usData, usDataOld = 0;
xQueueHandle *pxQueue;
pxQueue = ( xQueueHandle * ) pvParameters;
if( xQueueReceive( *pxQueue, &usData, ( portTickType ) 0 ) == pdPASS )
if (usData != usDataOld)
LED2_Wait_Time += 100;
if(LED2_Wait_Time >= 3000)
LED2_Wait_Time = 1000;
usDataOld = usData;
vTaskDelay( SWITCH_Wait_Time );
/* increment check variable whenever the task gets active */
portBASE_TYPE xAreLEDToggleTaskStillRunning( void )
* Keep a history of the check variables so we know if they have been incremented
* since the last call.
static unsigned portSHORT usLastTask1Check = 0;
static unsigned portSHORT usLastTask2Check = 0;
static unsigned portSHORT usLastTask3Check = 0;
portBASE_TYPE xReturn = pdTRUE;
/* Check the LED toggle tasks are still running by ensuring their check variables
* are still incrementing.
if(( usTask1Check == usLastTask1Check )||(usLastTask2Check == usTask2Check)||(usLastTask3Check == usTask3Check))
/* The check has not incremented so an error exists. */
xReturn = pdFALSE;
usLastTask1Check = usTask1Check;
usLastTask2Check = usTask2Check;
usLastTask3Check = usTask3Check;
return xReturn;
static void prvLEDInit(void)
INTR0 = 0x00;
INTR1 = 0x00;
INTR3L = 0x00;
INTR3H = 0x00;
INTR4 = 0x00;
INTR6L = 0x00;
INTR6H = 0x00;
INTR8 = 0x00;
INTR9H = 0x00;
INTF0 = 0x00;
INTF1 = 0x00;
INTF3L = 0x00;
INTF3H = 0x00;
INTF4 = 0x00;
INTF6L = 0x00;
INTF6H = 0x00;
INTF8 = 0x00;
INTF9H = 0x00;
/* LED Port Initialization */
// PCM = 0x00;
PMCM = 0xF2;
PMCCM = 0x00;
/* Switch Pin Initialization */
/* INTP0 Setting */
PMK0 = 1; /* INTP0 disable */
PIF0 = 0; /* INTP0 IF clear */
/* Set INTP0 lowest priority */
PIC0 |= 0x07;
INTR0 |= 0x00;
INTF0 |= 0x08;
/* INTP0 pin set */
PFC0 &= 0xF7;
PFCE0 &= 0xF7;
PMC0 |= 0x08;
PIF0 = 0; /* INTP0 IF clear */
PMK0 = 0; /* INTP0 enable */
/* Switch ISR */
#pragma vector=INTP0_vector
__interrupt void MD_INTP0(void)
/* Increment Switch pressed counter */
/* Use usClick to signalize a detected Interrupt for the vLEDToggleTask2
* to toggle the LED02.
xQueueSendFromISR( xSwitchQueue, &usClick, pdFALSE );