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Richard Barry be9c0730c3 Update trace recorder code to the latest.
Some minor changes to enable the configREMOVE_STATIC_QUALIFIER constant to be used by those debuggers that cannot cope with statics being used.
2018-09-06 03:23:03 +00:00

171 lines
8.2 KiB

* Trace Recorder Library for Tracealyzer v4.1.4
* Percepio AB,
* trcStreamingConfig.h
* Configuration parameters for the trace recorder library in streaming mode.
* Terms of Use
* This file is part of the trace recorder library (RECORDER), which is the
* intellectual property of Percepio AB (PERCEPIO) and provided under a
* license as follows.
* The RECORDER may be used free of charge for the purpose of recording data
* intended for analysis in PERCEPIO products. It may not be used or modified
* for other purposes without explicit permission from PERCEPIO.
* You may distribute the RECORDER in its original source code form, assuming
* this text (terms of use, disclaimer, copyright notice) is unchanged. You are
* allowed to distribute the RECORDER with minor modifications intended for
* configuration or porting of the RECORDER, e.g., to allow using it on a
* specific processor, processor family or with a specific communication
* interface. Any such modifications should be documented directly below
* this comment block.
* Disclaimer
* The RECORDER is being delivered to you AS IS and PERCEPIO makes no warranty
* as to its use or performance. PERCEPIO does not and cannot warrant the
* performance or results you may obtain by using the RECORDER or documentation.
* PERCEPIO make no warranties, express or implied, as to noninfringement of
* third party rights, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.
* In no event will PERCEPIO, its technology partners, or distributors be liable
* to you for any consequential, incidental or special damages, including any
* lost profits or lost savings, even if a representative of PERCEPIO has been
* advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any third
* party. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
* incidental, consequential or special damages, or the exclusion of implied
* warranties or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so the
* above limitations may not apply to you.
* Tabs are used for indent in this file (1 tab = 4 spaces)
* Copyright Percepio AB, 2018.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Configuration Macro: TRC_CFG_SYMBOL_TABLE_SLOTS
* The maximum number of symbols names that can be stored. This includes:
* - Task names
* - Named ISRs (vTraceSetISRProperties)
* - Named kernel objects (vTraceStoreKernelObjectName)
* - User event channels (xTraceRegisterString)
* If this value is too small, not all symbol names will be stored and the
* trace display will be affected. In that case, there will be warnings
* (as User Events) from TzCtrl task, that monitors this.
* Configuration Macro: TRC_CFG_SYMBOL_MAX_LENGTH
* The maximum length of symbol names, including:
* - Task names
* - Named ISRs (vTraceSetISRProperties)
* - Named kernel objects (vTraceStoreKernelObjectName)
* - User event channel names (xTraceRegisterString)
* If longer symbol names are used, they will be truncated by the recorder,
* which will affect the trace display. In that case, there will be warnings
* (as User Events) from TzCtrl task, that monitors this.
* Configuration Macro: TRC_CFG_OBJECT_DATA_SLOTS
* The maximum number of object data entries (used for task priorities) that can
* be stored at the same time. Must be sufficient for all tasks, otherwise there
* will be warnings (as User Events) from TzCtrl task, that monitors this.
* Configuration Macro: TRC_CFG_CTRL_TASK_STACK_SIZE
* The stack size of the TzCtrl task, that receive commands.
* We are aiming to remove this extra task in future versions.
* Configuration Macro: TRC_CFG_CTRL_TASK_PRIORITY
* The priority of the TzCtrl task, that receive commands from Tracealyzer.
* Most stream ports also rely on the TzCtrl task to transmit the data from the
* internal buffer to the stream interface (all except for the J-Link port).
* For such ports, make sure the TzCtrl priority is high enough to ensure
* reliable periodic execution and transfer of the data.
* Configuration Macro: TRC_CFG_CTRL_TASK_DELAY
* The delay between every loop of the TzCtrl task. A high delay will reduce the
* CPU load, but may cause missed events if the TzCtrl task is performing the
* trace transfer.
#define TRC_CFG_CTRL_TASK_DELAY ((10 * configTICK_RATE_HZ) / 1000)
* Specifies the number of pages used by the paged event buffer.
* This may need to be increased if there are a lot of missed events.
* Note: not used by the J-Link RTT stream port (see trcStreamingPort.h instead)
* Specifies the size of each page in the paged event buffer. This can be tuned
* to match any internal low-level buffers used by the streaming interface, like
* the Ethernet MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit).
* Note: not used by the J-Link RTT stream port (see trcStreamingPort.h instead)
* Macro which should be defined as an integer value.
* If tracing multiple ISRs, this setting allows for accurate display of the
* context-switching also in cases when the ISRs execute in direct sequence.
* vTraceStoreISREnd normally assumes that the ISR returns to the previous
* context, i.e., a task or a preempted ISR. But if another traced ISR
* executes in direct sequence, Tracealyzer may incorrectly display a minimal
* fragment of the previous context in between the ISRs.
* By using TRC_CFG_ISR_TAILCHAINING_THRESHOLD you can avoid this. This is
* however a threshold value that must be measured for your specific setup.
* See
* The default setting is 0, meaning "disabled" and that you may get an
* extra fragments of the previous context in between tail-chained ISRs.
* Note: This setting has separate definitions in trcSnapshotConfig.h and
* trcStreamingConfig.h, since it is affected by the recorder mode.
#ifdef __cplusplus