//***************************************************************************** // // flash.c - Driver for programming the on-chip flash. // // Copyright (c) 2005,2006 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Software License Agreement // // Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on LMI's Stellaris Family of microcontroller products. // // The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under // applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation // of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions // under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the // terms and conditions of this license. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED // OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. // LMI SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 991 of the Stellaris Driver Library. // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup flash_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** #include "../hw_flash.h" #include "../hw_ints.h" #include "../hw_memmap.h" #include "../hw_sysctl.h" #include "../hw_types.h" #include "debug.h" #include "flash.h" #include "interrupt.h" //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the number of processor clocks per micro-second. //! //! This function returns the number of clocks per micro-second, as presently //! known by the flash controller. //! //! \return Returns the number of processor clocks per micro-second. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_usecget) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) unsigned long FlashUsecGet(void) { // // Return the number of clocks per micro-second. // return(HWREG(FLASH_USECRL) + 1); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the number of processor clocks per micro-second. //! //! \param ulClocks is the number of processor clocks per micro-second. //! //! This function is used to tell the flash controller the number of processor //! clocks per micro-second. This value must be programmed correctly or the //! flash most likely will not program correctly; it has no affect on reading //! flash. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_usecset) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) void FlashUsecSet(unsigned long ulClocks) { // // Set the number of clocks per micro-second. // HWREG(FLASH_USECRL) = ulClocks - 1; } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Erases a block of flash. //! //! \param ulAddress is the start address of the flash block to be erased. //! //! This function will erase a 1 kB block of the on-chip flash. After erasing, //! the block will be filled with 0xFF bytes. Read-only and execute-only //! blocks cannot be erased. //! //! This function will not return until the block has been erased. //! //! \return Returns 0 on success, or -1 if an invalid block address was //! specified or the block is write-protected. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_erase) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) long FlashErase(unsigned long ulAddress) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ulAddress & (FLASH_ERASE_SIZE - 1))); // // Clear the flash access interrupt. // HWREG(FLASH_FCMISC) = FLASH_FCMISC_ACCESS; // // Erase the block. // HWREG(FLASH_FMA) = ulAddress; HWREG(FLASH_FMC) = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_ERASE; // // Wait until the word has been programmed. // while(HWREG(FLASH_FMC) & FLASH_FMC_ERASE) { } // // Return an error if an access violation occurred. // if(HWREG(FLASH_FCRIS) & FLASH_FCRIS_ACCESS) { return(-1); } // // Success. // return(0); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Programs flash. //! //! \param pulData is a pointer to the data to be programmed. //! \param ulAddress is the starting address in flash to be programmed. Must //! be a multiple of four. //! \param ulCount is the number of bytes to be programmed. Must be a multiple //! of four. //! //! This function will program a sequence of words into the on-chip flash. //! Programming each location consists of the result of an AND operation //! of the new data and the existing data; in other words bits that contain //! 1 can remain 1 or be changed to 0, but bits that are 0 cannot be changed //! to 1. Therefore, a word can be programmed multiple times as long as these //! rules are followed; if a program operation attempts to change a 0 bit to //! a 1 bit, that bit will not have its value changed. //! //! Since the flash is programmed one word at a time, the starting address and //! byte count must both be multiples of four. It is up to the caller to //! verify the programmed contents, if such verification is required. //! //! This function will not return until the data has been programmed. //! //! \return Returns 0 on success, or -1 if a programming error is encountered. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_program) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) long FlashProgram(unsigned long *pulData, unsigned long ulAddress, unsigned long ulCount) { // // Check the arguments. // ASSERT(!(ulAddress & 3)); ASSERT(!(ulCount & 3)); // // Clear the flash access interrupt. // HWREG(FLASH_FCMISC) = FLASH_FCMISC_ACCESS; // // Loop over the words to be programmed. // while(ulCount) { // // Program the next word. // HWREG(FLASH_FMA) = ulAddress; HWREG(FLASH_FMD) = *pulData; HWREG(FLASH_FMC) = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_WRITE; // // Wait until the word has been programmed. // while(HWREG(FLASH_FMC) & FLASH_FMC_WRITE) { } // // Increment to the next word. // pulData++; ulAddress += 4; ulCount -= 4; } // // Return an error if an access violation occurred. // if(HWREG(FLASH_FCRIS) & FLASH_FCRIS_ACCESS) { return(-1); } // // Success. // return(0); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the protection setting for a block of flash. //! //! \param ulAddress is the start address of the flash block to be queried. //! //! This function will get the current protection for the specified 2 kB block //! of flash. Each block can be read/write, read-only, or execute-only. //! Read/write blocks can be read, executed, erased, and programmed. Read-only //! blocks can be read and executed. Execute-only blocks can only be executed; //! processor and debugger data reads are not allowed. //! //! \return Returns the protection setting for this block. See //! FlashProtectSet() for possible values. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_protectget) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) tFlashProtection FlashProtectGet(unsigned long ulAddress) { unsigned long ulFMPRE, ulFMPPE; // // Check the argument. // ASSERT(!(ulAddress & (FLASH_PROTECT_SIZE - 1))); // // Read the flash protection register and get the bits that apply to the // specified block. // ulFMPRE = HWREG(FLASH_FMPRE); ulFMPPE = HWREG(FLASH_FMPPE); switch((((ulFMPRE >> (ulAddress / FLASH_PROTECT_SIZE)) & FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0) << 1) | ((ulFMPPE >> (ulAddress / FLASH_PROTECT_SIZE)) & FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0)) { // // This block is marked as execute only (i.e. it can not be erased or // programmed, and the only reads allowed are via the instruction fecth // interface). // case 0: case 1: { return(FlashExecuteOnly); } // // This block is marked as read only (i.e. it can not be erased or // programmed). // case 2: { return(FlashReadOnly); } // // This block is read/write; it can be read, erased, and programmed. // case 3: default: { return(FlashReadWrite); } } } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the protection setting for a block of flash. //! //! \param ulAddress is the start address of the flash block to be protected. //! \param eProtect is the protection to be applied to the block. Can be one //! of \b FlashReadWrite, \b FlashReadOnly, or \b FlashExecuteOnly. //! //! This function will set the protection for the specified 2 kB block of //! flash. Blocks which are read/write can be made read-only or execute-only. //! Blocks which are read-only can be made execute-only. Blocks which are //! execute-only cannot have their protection modified. Attempts to make the //! block protection less stringent (i.e. read-only to read/write) will result //! in a failure (and be prevented by the hardware). //! //! Changes to the flash protection are maintained only until the next reset. //! This allows the application to be executed in the desired flash protection //! environment to check for inappropriate flash access (via the flash //! interrupt). To make the flash protection permanent, use the //! FlashProtectSave() function. //! //! \return Returns 0 on success, or -1 if an invalid address or an invalid //! protection was specified. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_protectset) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) long FlashProtectSet(unsigned long ulAddress, tFlashProtection eProtect) { unsigned long ulProtectRE, ulProtectPE; // // Check the argument. // ASSERT(!(ulAddress & (FLASH_PROTECT_SIZE - 1))); ASSERT((eProtect == FlashReadWrite) || (eProtect == FlashReadOnly) || (eProtect == FlashExecuteOnly)); // // Convert the address into a block number. // ulAddress /= FLASH_PROTECT_SIZE; // // Get the current protection. // ulProtectRE = HWREG(FLASH_FMPRE); ulProtectPE = HWREG(FLASH_FMPPE); // // Set the protection based on the requested proection. // switch(eProtect) { // // Make this block execute only. // case FlashExecuteOnly: { // // Turn off the read and program bits for this block. // ulProtectRE &= ~(FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0 << ulAddress); ulProtectPE &= ~(FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0 << ulAddress); // // We're done handling this protection. // break; } // // Make this block read only. // case FlashReadOnly: { // // The block can not be made read only if it is execute only. // if(((ulProtectRE >> ulAddress) & FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0) != FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0) { return(-1); } // // Make this block read only. // ulProtectPE &= ~(FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0 << ulAddress); // // We're done handling this protection. // break; } // // Make this block read/write. // case FlashReadWrite: default: { // // The block can not be made read/write if it is not already // read/write. // if((((ulProtectRE >> ulAddress) & FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0) != FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0) || (((ulProtectPE >> ulAddress) & FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0) != FLASH_FMP_BLOCK_0)) { return(-1); } // // The block is already read/write, so there is nothing to do. // return(0); } } // // Set the new protection. // HWREG(FLASH_FMPRE) = ulProtectRE; HWREG(FLASH_FMPPE) = ulProtectPE; // // Success. // return(0); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Saves the flash protection settings. //! //! This function will make the currently programmed flash protection settings //! permanent. This is a non-reversible operation; a chip reset or power cycle //! will not change the flash protection. //! //! This function will not return until the protection has been saved. //! //! \return Returns 0 on success, or -1 if a hardware error is encountered. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_protectsave) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) long FlashProtectSave(void) { // // Tell the flash controller to write the flash read protection register. // HWREG(FLASH_FMA) = 0; HWREG(FLASH_FMC) = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_COMT; // // Wait until the write has completed. // while(HWREG(FLASH_FMC) & FLASH_FMC_COMT) { } // // Tell the flash controller to write the flash program protection // register. // HWREG(FLASH_FMA) = 1; HWREG(FLASH_FMC) = FLASH_FMC_WRKEY | FLASH_FMC_COMT; // // Wait until the write has completed. // while(HWREG(FLASH_FMC) & FLASH_FMC_COMT) { } // // Success. // return(0); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Registers an interrupt handler for the flash interrupt. //! //! \param pfnHandler is a pointer to the function to be called when the flash //! interrupt occurs. //! //! This sets the handler to be called when the flash interrupt occurs. The //! flash controller can generate an interrupt when an invalid flash access //! occurs, such as trying to program or erase a read-only block, or trying to //! read from an execute-only block. It can also generate an interrupt when a //! program or erase operation has completed. The interrupt will be //! automatically enabled when the handler is registered. //! //! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt //! handlers. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_intregister) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) void FlashIntRegister(void (*pfnHandler)(void)) { // // Register the interrupt handler, returning an error if an error occurs. // IntRegister(INT_FLASH, pfnHandler); // // Enable the flash interrupt. // IntEnable(INT_FLASH); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Unregisters the interrupt handler for the flash interrupt. //! //! This function will clear the handler to be called when the flash interrupt //! occurs. This will also mask off the interrupt in the interrupt controller //! so that the interrupt handler is no longer called. //! //! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt //! handlers. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_intunregister) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) void FlashIntUnregister(void) { // // Disable the interrupt. // IntDisable(INT_FLASH); // // Unregister the interrupt handler. // IntUnregister(INT_FLASH); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Enables individual flash controller interrupt sources. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled. //! Can be any of the \b FLASH_FCIM_PROGRAM or \b FLASH_FCIM_ACCESS values. //! //! Enables the indicated flash controller interrupt sources. Only the sources //! that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; disabled //! sources have no effect on the processor. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_intenable) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) void FlashIntEnable(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Enable the specified interrupts. // HWREG(FLASH_FCIM) |= ulIntFlags; } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Disables individual flash controller interrupt sources. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled. //! Can be any of the \b FLASH_FCIM_PROGRAM or \b FLASH_FCIM_ACCESS values. //! //! Disables the indicated flash controller interrupt sources. Only the //! sources that are enabled can be reflected to the processor interrupt; //! disabled sources have no effect on the processor. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_intdisable) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) void FlashIntDisable(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Disable the specified interrupts. // HWREG(FLASH_FCIM) &= ~(ulIntFlags); } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Gets the current interrupt status. //! //! \param bMasked is false if the raw interrupt status is required and true if //! the masked interrupt status is required. //! //! This returns the interrupt status for the flash controller. Either the raw //! interrupt status or the status of interrupts that are allowed to reflect to //! the processor can be returned. //! //! \return The current interrupt status, enumerated as a bit field of //! \b FLASH_FCMISC_PROGRAM and \b FLASH_FCMISC_ACCESS. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_intgetstatus) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) unsigned long FlashIntGetStatus(tBoolean bMasked) { // // Return either the interrupt status or the raw interrupt status as // requested. // if(bMasked) { return(HWREG(FLASH_FCMISC)); } else { return(HWREG(FLASH_FCRIS)); } } #endif //***************************************************************************** // //! Clears flash controller interrupt sources. //! //! \param ulIntFlags is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared. //! Can be any of the \b FLASH_FCMISC_PROGRAM or \b FLASH_FCMISC_ACCESS //! values. //! //! The specified flash controller interrupt sources are cleared, so that they //! no longer assert. This must be done in the interrupt handler to keep it //! from being called again immediately upon exit. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(GROUP_intclear) || defined(BUILD_ALL) || defined(DOXYGEN) void FlashIntClear(unsigned long ulIntFlags) { // // Clear the flash interrupt. // HWREG(FLASH_FCMISC) = ulIntFlags; } #endif //***************************************************************************** // // Close the Doxygen group. //! @} // //*****************************************************************************