# THIS SAMPLE CODE IS PROVIDED AS IS AND IS SUBJECT TO ALTERATIONS. FUJITSU */ # MICROELECTRONICS ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR */ # ELIGIBILITY FOR ANY PURPOSES. */ # (C) Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH */ # Environment and memory manioulation after program upload # Settings SET VARIABLE abortIRQ0 = 0x1 SET VARIABLE intVectorMonitorDebugger = 0xFFC00 # Disable all Interrupts SET REGISTER I = 0x0 # Set Table Base Register SET REGISTER TBR = intVectorMonitorDebugger # Run to smd_tbr and save TBR of Application go ,Start91460\smd_tbr SET VARIABLE intVectorApllication = %r0 SET REGISTER TBR = intVectorApllication # Copy required vector table entries of monitor debugger in vector table of application MOVE intVectorMonitorDebugger + 0x3C0..intVectorMonitorDebugger + 0x3FF, intVectorApllication + 0x3C0 # Prepare Entries for INT0 IF %abortIRQ0 == 0x1 MOVE intVectorMonitorDebugger + 0x3C0..intVectorMonitorDebugger + 0x3C3, intVectorApllication + 0x3BC SET MEMORY/BYTE 0x32 = 0x3 SET MEMORY/BYTE 0x30 = 0x0 SET MEMORY/BYTE 0x31 = 0x1 SET MEMORY/BYTE 0x440 = 0x10 SET REGISTER ILM = 0x1E ENDIF # Setting indicates software reset, which leads to that the clock settings are not changed. SET REGISTER R4 = 0x8 # Set TBR to Vector table of application SET REGISTER TBR = intVectorApllication # Run to smd_c and let the CS enabled go noClockStartup,Start91460\smd_cs set register r2 = %r2|0x2 # Run to main() go ,main