/*********************************************************************************** Filename: lcd.c DESCRIPTION LCD Module utility functions. Written for KS0066u compatible LCD Module. (8 characters by 2 lines) Copyright : 2006 Renesas Technology Europe Ltd. Copyright : 2006 Renesas Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved ***********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************** Revision History DD.MM.YYYY OSO-UID Description 26.07.2006 RTE-MBA First Release ***********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************** System Includes ***********************************************************************************/ #include /********************************************************************************** User Includes ***********************************************************************************/ /* iodefine.h provides a structure to access all of the device registers. */ #include "iodefine.h" /* rsk1664def.h provides common defines for widely used items. */ #include "rskrx210def.h" #include "lcd.h" /***************************************************************************** Name: InitDisplay Parameters: none Returns: none Description: Intializes the LCD display. *****************************************************************************/ void InitialiseDisplay( void ) { /* Power Up Delay for LCD Module */ EN_PIN = SET_BIT_HIGH; DisplayDelay(7000); EN_PIN = SET_BIT_LOW; /* Display initialises in 8 bit mode - so send one write (seen as 8 bit) to set to 4 bit mode. */ /* Function Set */ LCD_nibble_write(CTRL_WR,0x03); LCD_nibble_write(CTRL_WR,0x03); DisplayDelay(39); /* Configure display */ LCD_nibble_write(CTRL_WR,0x03); LCD_nibble_write(CTRL_WR,0x02); LCD_nibble_write(CTRL_WR,(LCD_DISPLAY_ON | LCD_TWO_LINE )); LCD_nibble_write(CTRL_WR,(LCD_DISPLAY_ON | LCD_TWO_LINE )); DisplayDelay(39); /* Display ON/OFF control */ LCD_write(CTRL_WR,LCD_CURSOR_OFF); DisplayDelay(39); /* Display Clear */ LCD_write(CTRL_WR,LCD_CLEAR); DisplayDelay(1530); /* Entry Mode Set */ LCD_write(CTRL_WR,0x06); LCD_write(CTRL_WR,LCD_HOME_L1); } /********************************************************************************** End of function InitialiseDisplay ***********************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Name: DisplayString Parameters: position Line number of display string Pointer to data to be written to display. Last character should be null. Returns: none Description: This function controls LCD writes to line 1 or 2 of the LCD. You need to use the defines LCD_LINE1 and LCD_LINE2 in order to specify the starting position. For example, to start at the 2nd position on line 1... DisplayString(LCD_LINE1 + 1, "Hello") *****************************************************************************/ void DisplayString(unsigned char position, char * string) { static unsigned char next_pos = 0xFF; /* Set line position if needed. We don't want to if we don't need to because LCD control operations take longer than LCD data operations. */ if( next_pos != position) { if(position < LCD_LINE2) { /* Display on Line 1 */ LCD_write(CTRL_WR, (unsigned char)(LCD_HOME_L1 + position) ); } else { /* Display on Line 2 */ LCD_write(CTRL_WR, (unsigned char)(LCD_HOME_L2 + position - LCD_LINE2) ); } /* set position index to known value */ next_pos = position; } do { LCD_write(DATA_WR,*string++); /* increment position index */ next_pos++; } while(*string); } /********************************************************************************** End of function DisplayString ***********************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Name: LCD_write Parameters: value - the value to write data_or_ctrl - To write value as DATA or CONTROL 1 = DATA 0 = CONTROL Returns: none Description: Writes data to display. Sends command to display. *****************************************************************************/ void LCD_write(unsigned char data_or_ctrl, unsigned char value) { /* Write upper nibble first */ LCD_nibble_write(data_or_ctrl, (value & 0xF0) >> 4); /* Write lower nibble second */ LCD_nibble_write(data_or_ctrl, (value & 0x0F)); } /********************************************************************************** End of function LCD_write ***********************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Name: LCD_nibble_write Parameters: value - the value to write data_or_ctrl - To write value as DATA or CONTROL 1 = DATA 0 = CONTROL Returns: none Description: Writes data to display. Sends command to display. *****************************************************************************/ void LCD_nibble_write(unsigned char data_or_ctrl, unsigned char value) { unsigned char ucStore; if (data_or_ctrl == DATA_WR) { RS_PIN = SET_BIT_HIGH; } else { RS_PIN = SET_BIT_LOW; } /* There must be 40ns between RS write and EN write */ DisplayDelay(1); /* EN enable chip (HIGH) */ EN_PIN = SET_BIT_HIGH; /* Tiny delay */ DisplayDelay(1); /* Clear port bits used */ /* Set upper lower 4 bits of nibble on port pins. */ ucStore = DATA_PORT; ucStore &= ~DATA_PORT_MASK; /* OR in data */ ucStore |= ((value << DATA_PORT_SHIFT) & DATA_PORT_MASK ); /* Write lower 4 bits of nibble */ DATA_PORT = ucStore; /* write delay while En High */ DisplayDelay(20); /* Latch data by dropping EN */ EN_PIN = SET_BIT_LOW; /* Data hold delay */ DisplayDelay(20); if(data_or_ctrl == CTRL_WR) { /* Extra delay needed for control writes */ DisplayDelay(40); } } /********************************************************************************** End of function LCD_nibble_write ***********************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** Name: DisplayDelay Parameters: units - Approximately in microseconds Returns: none Description: Delay routine for LCD display. *****************************************************************************/ void DisplayDelay(unsigned long int units) { unsigned long counter = units * DELAY_TIMING; while(counter--) { nop(); // ~ 10ns } } /********************************************************************************** End of function DisplayDelay ***********************************************************************************/