/**************************************************************************//** * @file * @brief SPI implementation of Board Control interface * This implementation use the USART2 SPI interface to control board * control registers. It works * @author Energy Micro AS * @version 1.0.1 ****************************************************************************** * @section License * (C) Copyright 2009 Energy Micro AS, http://www.energymicro.com ****************************************************************************** * * This source code is the property of Energy Micro AS. The source and compiled * code may only be used on Energy Micro "EFM32" microcontrollers. * * This copyright notice may not be removed from the source code nor changed. * * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY/LIMITATION OF REMEDIES: Energy Micro AS has no * obligation to support this Software. Energy Micro AS is providing the * Software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind, * including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability * or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement * of any proprietary rights of a third party. * * Energy Micro AS will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or * special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party, * arising from your use of this Software. * *****************************************************************************/ #include "efm32.h" #include "dvk.h" #include "dvk_bcregisters.h" #define clear_bit(reg, bit) (reg &= ~(1 << bit)) static volatile uint16_t *lastAddr = 0; /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Initializes USART2 SPI interface for access to FPGA registers * for board control *****************************************************************************/ static void spiInit(void) { USART_TypeDef *usart = USART2; GPIO_TypeDef *gpio = GPIO; uint32_t clk, spidiv; const uint32_t baudrate = 7000000; const uint32_t div = (2 * baudrate / 256); /* Configure SPI bus connect pins */ gpio->P[2].MODEH &= ~(_GPIO_P_MODEH_MODE13_MASK); gpio->P[2].MODEH |= (GPIO_P_MODEH_MODE13_PUSHPULL); gpio->P[2].DOUT &= ~(1UL << 13); /* Configure SPI pins */ gpio->P[2].MODEL &= ~(_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE2_MASK | _GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE3_MASK | _GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE4_MASK | _GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE5_MASK); gpio->P[2].MODEL |= (GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE2_PUSHPULL | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE3_PUSHPULL | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE4_PUSHPULL | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE5_PUSHPULL); gpio->P[2].DOUT |= (1UL << 5); /* Configure USART2 as SPI master with manual CS */ /* Get peripheral clock - ensure updated SystemCoreClock */ SystemCoreClockUpdate(); clk = (SystemCoreClock >> ((CMU->HFPERCLKDIV & _CMU_HFPERCLKDIV_HFPERCLKDIV_MASK) >> _CMU_HFPERCLKDIV_HFPERCLKDIV_SHIFT)); /* Drive spi at max 7Mhz or half clockrate if core freq < 14Mhz */ if (clk < 14000000) { spidiv = 0; } else { spidiv = (clk) / (div) - 256; } /* Never allow higher frequency than specified, round up 1/4 div */ if (spidiv & 0x3f) spidiv += 0x40; usart->CLKDIV = spidiv; usart->CTRL = USART_CTRL_SYNC; usart->CMD = USART_CMD_CLEARRX | USART_CMD_CLEARTX; usart->ROUTE = USART_ROUTE_TXPEN | USART_ROUTE_RXPEN | USART_ROUTE_CLKPEN; usart->CMD = USART_CMD_MASTEREN | USART_CMD_TXEN | USART_CMD_RXEN; } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Disables GPIO pins and USART2 from FPGA register access *****************************************************************************/ static void spiDisable(void) { USART_TypeDef *usart = USART2; GPIO_TypeDef *gpio = GPIO; /* Disable USART2 */ usart->CTRL = _USART_CTRL_RESETVALUE; usart->ROUTE = _USART_ROUTE_RESETVALUE; usart->CMD = USART_CMD_MASTERDIS | USART_CMD_TXDIS | USART_CMD_RXDIS; /* Disable SPI pins */ gpio->P[2].MODEH &= ~(_GPIO_P_MODEH_MODE13_MASK); gpio->P[2].MODEL &= ~(_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE2_MASK | _GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE3_MASK | _GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE4_MASK | _GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE5_MASK); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Performs USART2 SPI Transfer *****************************************************************************/ static uint16_t spiAccess(uint8_t spiadr, uint8_t rw, uint16_t spidata) { USART_TypeDef *usart = USART2; GPIO_TypeDef *gpio = GPIO; uint16_t tmp; clear_bit(gpio->P[2].DOUT, 5); /* SPI address */ usart->TXDATA = (spiadr & 0x3) | rw << 3; while (!(usart->STATUS & USART_STATUS_TXC)) ; tmp = (usart->RXDATA) << 0; /* SPI data LSB */ usart->TXDATA = spidata & 0xFF; while (!(usart->STATUS & USART_STATUS_TXC)) ; tmp = (usart->RXDATA); /* SPI data MSB */ usart->TXDATA = spidata >> 8; while (!(usart->STATUS & USART_STATUS_TXC)) ; tmp |= (usart->RXDATA) << 8; gpio->P[2].DOUT |= (1 << 5); return tmp; } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Performs USART2 SPI write to FPGA register * @param spiadr Address of register * @param spidata Data to write *****************************************************************************/ static void spiWrite(uint8_t spiadr, uint16_t spidata) { spiAccess(spiadr, 0, spidata); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Performs USART2 SPI read from FPGA register * @param spiadr Address of register * @param spidata Dummy data *****************************************************************************/ static uint16_t spiRead(uint8_t spiadr, uint16_t spidata) { return spiAccess(spiadr, 1, spidata); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Initializes DVK register access *****************************************************************************/ void DVK_SPI_init(void) { uint16_t spiMagic; spiInit(); /* Read "board control Magic" register to verify SPI is up and running */ /* if not FPGA is configured to be in EBI mode */ spiMagic = DVK_SPI_readRegister(BC_MAGIC); if (spiMagic != BC_MAGIC_VALUE) { /* Development Kit is configured to use EBI mode, restart of kit required */ /* to use USART2-SPI for configuration */ spiDisable(); while (1) ; } } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Disable and free up resources used by SPI board control access *****************************************************************************/ void DVK_SPI_disable(void) { spiDisable(); } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Perform read from DVK board control register * @param addr Address of register to read from *****************************************************************************/ uint16_t DVK_SPI_readRegister(volatile uint16_t *addr) { uint16_t data; if (addr != lastAddr) { spiWrite(0x00, 0xFFFF & ((uint32_t) addr)); /*LSBs of address*/ spiWrite(0x01, 0xFF & ((uint32_t) addr >> 16)); /*MSBs of address*/ spiWrite(0x02, (0x0C000000 & (uint32_t) addr) >> 26); /*Chip select*/ } /* Read twice */ data = spiRead(0x03, 0); data = spiRead(0x03, 0); lastAddr = addr; return data; } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Perform write to DVK board control register * @param addr Address of register to write to * @param data 16-bit to write into register *****************************************************************************/ void DVK_SPI_writeRegister(volatile uint16_t *addr, uint16_t data) { if (addr != lastAddr) { spiWrite(0x00, 0xFFFF & ((uint32_t) addr)); /*LSBs of address*/ spiWrite(0x01, 0xFF & ((uint32_t) addr >> 16)); /*MSBs of address*/ spiWrite(0x02, (0x0C000000 & (uint32_t) addr) >> 26); /*Chip select*/ } spiWrite(0x03, data); /*Data*/ lastAddr = addr; }