Continue to remove unnecessary 'signed char *' casts from strings that are now just plain char * types.

This commit is contained in:
Richard Barry 2013-12-27 15:49:59 +00:00
parent da93f1fc4b
commit 653fdb81d5
4 changed files with 8 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ const char *const pcHeader = "Task State Priority Stack #\r\n********
/* Generate a table of task stats. */
strcpy( ( char * ) pcWriteBuffer, pcHeader );
vTaskList( pcWriteBuffer + strlen( pcHeader ) );
vTaskList( ( char * ) pcWriteBuffer + strlen( pcHeader ) );
/* There is no more data to return after this single string, so return
pdFALSE. */

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@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
#define mainISR_TASK_PRIORITY ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3 )
#define mainISRTASK_LED ( 2 )
#define mainT5PRESCALAR ( 6 )
#define mainT5_SEMAPHORE_RATE ( 31250 )
static void prvISRBlockTask( void* pvParameters )
/* local variables marked as volatile so the compiler does not optimize them away */
volatile uint64_t resAcc;
volatile uint32_t arg1, arg2;
/* Create the semaphore used to signal this task */
vSemaphoreCreateBinary( xBlockSemaphore );
/* Set up timer 5 to generate an interrupt every 50 ms */
T5CON = 0;
TMR5 = 0;
/* Timer 5 is going to interrupt at 20Hz Hz. (40,000,000 / (64 * 20) */
/* Setup timer 5 interrupt priority to be the maximum allowed */
/* Clear the interrupt as a starting condition. */
IFS0bits.T5IF = 0;
/* Enable the interrupt. */
IEC0bits.T5IE = 1;
/* Start the timer. */
T5CONbits.TON = 1;
arg1 = 10;
arg2 = 2;
for( ;; )
/* block on the binary semaphore given by an ISR */
xSemaphoreTake( xBlockSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY );
vParTestToggleLED( mainISRTASK_LED );
/* perform some maths operations to exercise the accumulators */
resAcc = resAcc * arg2 + arg1;
void vT5InterruptHandler( void )
portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
/* This function is the handler for the peripheral timer interrupt.
The interrupt is initially signalled in a separate assembly file
which switches to the system stack and then calls this function.
It gives a semaphore which signals the prvISRBlockTask */
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( xBlockSemaphore, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
/* Clear the interrupt */
portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
#define DMA_BUFF_SIZE 400
uint32_t dmaBuff[2][DMA_BUFF_SIZE];
static void dmaTask(void* pvParameters)
uint32_t i;
/* this tasks hammers the dma copying data from one buffer to another */
DMACONbits.SUSPEND = 1; //Suspend ALL DMA transfers
/* currently the data will be placed in the cache and nothing will be copied
* by the dma as it only accesses physical memory, this test is designed to stress the system
* and confirm correct operation in a heavy interrupt environment */
for(i = 0; i < DMA_BUFF_SIZE; i++) {
dmaBuff[0][i] = i;
/* set the transfer event control: what event is to start the DMA transfer */
/* set up transfer */
DCH1SSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*) &dmaBuff[0][0]);
DCH1DSA = KVA_TO_PA((void*) &dmaBuff[1][0]);
/* setup interrupt response */
IPC33bits.DMA1IP = 3;
IEC4bits.DMA1IE = 1;
DCH1CONbits.CHPRI = 0b10;
/* once we configured the DMA channel we can enable it */
DCH1CONbits.CHEN = 1;
DMACONbits.ON = 1;
/* setup T6 to trigger the transfers */
T6CON = 0x0000;
TMR6 = 0;
PR6 = 1;
/* once the dma is setup we delete this task */
void __attribute__((vector(_DMA1_VECTOR), interrupt(ipl3))) DMAInterruptHandler(void)
portBASE_TYPE xHigherPriorityTaskWoken = pdFALSE;
uint32_t i;
/* clear the destination buffer */
for(i = 0; i < DMA_BUFF_SIZE; i++) {
dmaBuff[1][i] = 0;
xSemaphoreGiveFromISR( xBlockSemaphore, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
/* we have just finished copying from buffer0 to buffer 1 so restart the copy operation */
portEND_SWITCHING_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken );
* The Blinky ISR Test:
* This demonstrates triggering an ISR from a peripheral timer. A task is created
* which blocks on a semaphore. Separately a peripheral timer is set to cause an
* interrupt every 50ms. The ISR handler (in a separate assembly file) then
* releases the semaphore which causes the task to unblock and toggle an LED. This
* sequence tests operation of the ISR and system stack handling.
static void prvISRBlockTask( void *pvParameters );
static void dmaTask(void *pvParameters);
/* The timer 5 interrupt handler. As this interrupt uses the FreeRTOS assembly
entry point the IPL setting in the following function prototype has no effect. */
void __attribute__( (interrupt(ipl3), vector(_TIMER_5_VECTOR))) vT5InterruptWrapper( void );
/* The semaphore used to signal the ISRBlockTask */
static xSemaphoreHandle xBlockSemaphore;
// xTaskCreate( prvISRBlockTask, ( signed char * ) "ISR", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) NULL, mainISR_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
// xTaskCreate( dmaTask, (signed char *) "DMA", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, (void*) NULL, 2, NULL);

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@ -115,9 +115,14 @@ void vConfigureTimerForRunTimeStats( void );
#define configUSE_CO_ROUTINES 1
#define configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES ( 2 )
/* This demo makes use of one or more example stats formatting functions. These
format the raw data provided by the uxTaskGetSystemState() function in to human
readable ASCII form. See the notes in the implementation of vTaskList() within
FreeRTOS/Source/tasks.c for limitations. */
/* Set the following definitions to 1 to include the API function, or zero
to exclude the API function. */
#define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet 1
#define INCLUDE_uxTaskPriorityGet 1
#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelete 1

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
* vTracePrintF may use multiple records depending on the number of data args.
#define EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE 100000 /* Adjust wrt. to available RAM */
#define EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE 10000 /* Adjust wrt. to available RAM */